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5 comments737 b, 605 Downloads

old Natural Healing

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∗ Script Info ∗

With this script if you stay still for 5 seconds (can be changed) you´ll start to heal 5% (can be changed too) of your actual HP every second, that means if you are at 80 hp, you´ll heal to 84.

You´ll stop healing if you move, you´re hit or you reach your max HP (obviously).

∗ Credits ∗

This script was created by me user DarkLight66

∗ Permisions ∗

√ You can download and use it
√ You can edit it
× You can´t say its yours
× You can´t re-upload it
edited 1×, last 05.05.12 07:42:29 pm
Approved by GeoB99

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Nice script


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@user archmage: The "sethealth" command can´t set the health above the maximum, that´s the "setmaxhealth" function. Also, if i reset the timer then it will heal every 5 seconds when i wanted it to heal every 1 sec after you were staying still for 5 seconds.


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I like the idea. Although, the function Healing_Second could be improved.

I think that "sethealth" can set a player's health above the maximum. Also you did not reset the timer.

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Kinda reminds me of a game called the legend of the fat princes. Usefull for me, thanx
I like it!


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Hmm could be usefull but i dont think many people would use it so i give you 3/5
I like it!
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