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12 comments3 kb, 462 Downloads

old ctf_herbi_castle_2

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Hello again,

my third map is now a castle location. The flags are in the dungeons of each castle safe and secure ;-).

You can get to the enemys castle via teleport, or through the garden.
But watch out, rivers are not made to be crossed. You will want to walk around. Or sniper under a tree. Or build a little base in one of the old ruins. It's your choice.

As you can see, the map contains some red and blue fields, which are teamgates. So no spawn- or entrancekilling is possible.

Because the map is symmetric, every team hast total equal chances, the winner is therefore the most skilled team ;-).

The map is best played with construction_mode, have fun in exploring, defending and rushing everyone.

As I knew the map was not adjusted to it's best, I had to do some adjustments after a first test. The teleporter to the enemys castle is now located in the outer forrest. Also the massive explosion near the spawn is now gone. You can blow up the big gate to each castle.

edited 4×, last 24.10.11 10:53:51 am
Approved by GeoB99

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3 kb, 462 Downloads


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Would be awesome if you used village tiles,also good work on making it 95% symmetric
I like it!


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Textual Context: The river is not pointless, it has the same function as windows in the game. you can shoot over it, but not cross. So there are the two separated ways, but interaction through the weapons is still possible.

Seal Team 6: This is one of the mysteries mankind will never explore Yeah well just imagine there would be tubes in the walls.

Badger: It looks nice to have a bit of various tiles and objects splattered all over the map. Also trees in water are not wrong, you just have to look for pictures of moor's. They also have plenty of trees in them.

Thank ya'll for the good rating



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One question: Why you add trees on the water?!
I like it!


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Hammer welt Aber könnte nicht schlecheter sein

This is the ENGLISH part of UnrealSoftware!
Spoiler >

where does the river cam from and where is it going?

best words ever ...
I give you 4/5 (Very Good)
I like it!


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LOL where does the river cam from and where is it going?

Nice map 4/5
I like it!


Apache uwu
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ya river is pointless, but i guess u can say it looks nice


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Badger: I don't know why you all hate the standardtiles. They are great and match each location. I didn't find any better tileset here for so much possibilitys.

BlackCobra: You're right, now you HAVE to leave the own castle to use the teleport, or you can walk the closer way to the others entrance.

made in Finland: Also right, the teleporter has moved, the explosions have also a new location and are much weaker.

Thx for all the help, maybe the new map will be available for testing on the server in a few hours



made in Finland
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i played it and it didn't like it that much. it had some stupid things like that spawn exit kill trigger. I didn't like the teleport entrance to enemy base either. for me it didn't feel right
I like it!


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But nobody go to the river,the most players are in the castle
The half map is needless.
I like it!

old Change tileset!

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Pretty good but change tileset. Standard tileset is terrible 4/5
I like it!


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I like this map !
nice work !

Offtopic German :
Die ist richtig geil. Mach die Map doch im "UNLIMITED Construction" Server rein. Ich bins HighQuality.|~ vom UNLIMITED Construction Server. Ich find die richtig gut hab sie mir getestet.

I like it!
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