=== [ Info ] ===
Version: 1.0 (Beta)
Release Date: 2010/03/12
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/superhero2d/home
=== [ Script Features ] ===
= [ General & Basics ] =
35 level ups for new items & heroes
Reliable levels & experience system
Usual heroes points system
Credits system for buying items
Advanced bad words system
= [ Customizable Heroes Feature ] =
Superheroes File Path: "sys/lua/classic_superhero/sh_superheroes.cfg"
40 various heroes with different abilities (Default)
New advanced heroes system
Configuration support
Heroes upgrading & removing system
Heroes configuration functions list:
Example of hero adding:
#addhero : #name = SuperMan : #point = 1 : #info = Extra Health (10) : #health = 10
Items File Path: "sys/lua/classic_superhero/sh_items.cfg"
20 various items (Default)
New Items inventory system
Configuration support
Items buying & selling system
Menus for inventory, shop & market
Heroes configuration functions list:
Example of item adding:
#additem : #name = Super Bomb II : #credit = 125 : #info = Medium Explosion : #use_explosion = 150 ~ 200
3 Buildings Examples Included (Default)
Building text drawing support
Special buildings linking to items
= [ Weapons Round Feature ] =
Weapon Rounds File Path: "sys/lua/classic_superhero/sh_rounds.cfg"
Randomized weapon rounds
Configuration support
Few weapons in one round (using commas in configuration)
Example of M4A1 & Deagle adding in one round:
#addround = 32, 3
Members File Path: "sys/lua/classic_superhero/sh_members.cfg"
Different members say color
Configuration support
Member adding have 1 mark & 4 states:
-> #addmember - adding verification
--> [USGN] - U.S.G.N ID
--> [NAME] - Name
--> [RANK] - Rank name
--> [COLOR] - RGB color
Example of member adding:
#addmember : 1 : DC : Game Author :000255000
26 say commands are included
= [ Console Commands ] =
17 console commands are included
Console commands are only available for Admin or Rcon users
= [ Save & Load Feature ] =
Note: Most of saving features can be managed through configuration
U.S.G.N and SuperHero users saves are available
Improved player stats saving (Level, Experience, Points & Credits)
Advanced heroes & items saving
Server can have thousands of saves, it shouldn't slow down server
= [ Extra Experience Feature ] =
Note: This feature can be changed using configuration.
Extra experience for:
-> Killing higher level player
-> Winning a round
-> Killing in a row
-> Knifing player
-> Planting a bomb
-> Defusing a bomb
-> Dominating flags
-> Capturing the flag
= [ Hudtxt & Messages Feature ] =
Short & readable notices|messages
Well looking colors
= [ Advanced Sounds ] =
Few SuperHero sounds
-> Winning round
-> Losing round
-> Level up
= [ Advanced Configuration Feature ] =
New syntax support for heroes, items, rounds, members configuration
"#" - [i]SuperHero function verification
"=" - Separates SuperHero function and it's parameters
"~" - Separates function parameters
">" - Hero leveling verification
6 Main Functions:
-> 1 #addhero - Sets line for hero adding
-> 2. #additem - Sets line for item adding
-> 3. #addround - Sets line for round adding
-> 4. #addbuilding - Sets line for building adding
-> 5. #addmember - Sets line for member adding
-> 6. #path - Opens file (path) for other heroes initializing
50 functions for heroes customization
15 functions for items customization
= [ General Configuration Feature ] =
Configuration File Path: "sys/lua/classic_superhero/sh_config.cfg"
Settings File Path: "sys/lua/classic_superhero/sh_settings.cfg"
44 configuration options to change
You can easily modify features
You can turn on/off many features
= [ Serveractions & Menus Feature ] =
1st, [F2] - Shows SuperHero main menu
2st, [F3] - Items Menu
3rd, [F4] - Hide main help file
= [ SH Objects Feature ] =
Collisions with players
Collisions with walls
Weapon throwing simulation
Image functions fix and more
= [ Quake/Unreal Tournament Feature ] =
Quake/UT sounds
Multiple kill messages
Knife kill (Humiliation)
= [ Help Feature ] =
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/superhero2d/home
=== [ Installation | How To Use ] ===
Extract downloaded script file.zip in CS2D folder.
If there are some questions, contact me.
=== [ Special Thanks To ] ===
Leegao - For sharing his few scripts & giving few ideas
Roni - For testing script & running server
DC - For wonderful game & helping me to avoid CS2D Bugs
Sarim - For fixing & checking spelling mistakes
Jonzku777 - For ideas & activity in CSH suggestions thread
Skipper - For help with superheroes balance & testing
tRay - For hosting public SuperHero (test) server
And Everyone Else Who Were Involved In The Development!
=== [ Contacts ] ===
Unreal Software User: http://unrealsoftware.de/profile.php?userid=5537
U.S.G.N : 15811
E-Mail : - Email address (only visible with login) -
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/superhero2d/home
edited 1×, last 31.08.11 07:41:06 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain
281 kb, 4,032 Downloads