What, you don't know, what buffs are? Well well... Buffs are little power-ups. Like the buff that makes you fast, it's called Buff: Hyperspeed. It really makes you fast! So, that's a power-up worth being called a buff! Or Buff: Magic Resistance, that makes you immune to being frozen, poisoned, confused or falling asleep. And if you use Buff: Vitality, you will receive 2hp each turn!!! There's even a Buff: Featherweight which decreases your falling speed You know, what that means? Yeah, you'll never ever take damage from falling deep again That's not enough? Of course not! That's why I even came up with the Buff: Incredible Armour Guess what this one does... RIGHT! It decreases the damage you take!!! (Unfortunately, this one doesn't work with mines.)
And because not only you will be able to buff your players but even your enemies are, I added - as an extra - the ability to debuff Debuff will remove all buffs from your opponents
v1.1 - 07 Oct 2011
- Fixed bug of showing info after usage
- Tweaked around the use of getturn()
edited 2×, last 07.10.11 01:19:23 pm
Approved by DC
136 kb, 579 Downloads