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English CS2D 3D player templates >

81 comments13 kb, 887 Downloads

old CS2D 3D player templates

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CS2D 3D Player Templates Version 1.0

Ok for the record these are not meant to be used for immediate game play. They are
only tools for skin makers to make 3D like players and weapons. I have removed 99%
of all the errors and for all intensive purposes these are complete.

"""NOTE""" That these are Right handed player models only !!! I cant make them work
for both left and right handed setting due to the limits of the current CS2D player
GFX format.

Make sure that the right handed player option in the option menu is checked as other
wise the rifle template ive included wont be held correctly.

Oh yea and ive included a sample rifle template of the m4a1 to use as a scaling tool
while making custom 3D weapons. It includes the m4a1, m4a1_d, and m4a1_silenced models but this can be renamed for any of the weapons in the shotguns, SMGs, Rifles, and MG class weapons.

NOTE that I didn't include pistols as the default CS2D pistols work just fine just move them 3-6 pixels to the right and its a perfect fit.

Also these are the same as the models in mu Half Life 2D pack so this will give people a good idea as to what that will look like in the final product

PLEASE NOTE that the 2nd and last image are not included in the pack. They are only examples of what can be done. Again these are only tools and not for game play.
edited 1×, last 10.08.11 11:33:34 pm
Approved by Seekay

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what limitation? dude everyone can just put the gun a little to right. cool, keep it up
I like it!


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guys sry this is noob question but how i can make this in my cs2d


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Good Job, Phenixtri, 5/5 its a good "3D" Job
I like it!


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I named it 3D because I got the idea for such a 2 handed player base from spectating CS:S and looking at the players from the top just like in CS2D a top down shooting game.

As for the positioning issue I cant really do much about that due to the limitations of the current CS2D player gfx format. There just isn't enough space to do it properly.

That said they are fully functional and the only down side is that you cant put back packs on the actual models them selves. I got around this problem in my Half Life 2D pack by using the regular armor as the PCV vest for HECU marines with the green back pack already attached.


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It's okay, aside from some positioning issues. I did plan on using these for my css players pack but... >.<
I like it!

old @Vetle

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The only fools I see here is you and someone that does not think that this is actually some kind of player skin base..
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

How is this 3d if you play in a 2d game? YA FOOL!


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@gaston123: Man, read the title. IS NOT CS3D, AND YES CS2D 3D PLAYER TEMPLATES, 'K?

Anyways, this will help some people that want to do a character what holds the two handed weapons (I.E.: MP5, M4A1) like IRL. 5/5.
I like it!


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Yea the 3D only implies that its 2 handed player skins so IE the player holds the weapons in a more realistic fashion that also allows the weapon hold skins to have stocks on the back


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Hes right its just a cool 2 handed version.
I like it!


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are u kidding this game name cs2d not cs3d go and make this in cs 1.6


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Thats what its for

17 DL 9 comments

And Pagyra ill contact you ASAP

old Useful!

Reviewer Off Offline

This can be useful for making player skins..
I like it!


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Phenixtri has written
You mean why am i keeping quiet with my Half Life and CS:S 2D work?

useigor has written
5 downloads, 1 comment.


User Off Offline

Excellent skins - we need to talk about the 3d - contact me
I like it!


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o.0 what? You mean why am i keeping quiet with my Half Life and CS:S 2D work? Not really sure what your are asking here


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useigor has written
Why all the keep silent?


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the 2 images are made in the same format to show examples of what can be done with this. >> again these are only tools for skin makers not for game play.


User Off Offline

Why all the keep silent? As if this file is no one sees.
5 downloads, 1 comment.
2 and 5 images do not belong to the file. (Them are not there)
edited 6×, last 13.08.11 12:37:08 pm


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Go right ahead. These are meant to be tools for 3D player skins and also for mods like Half Life 2D for example.
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