Crash Bandicoot player and weaponsDopey User Offline 08.08.11 01:51:02 pm Here is my custom pack with crash bandicoot (hope you like it) Use it Upload it and/or say it's yours without my permission Have fun Approved by Sparty (01.03.20 08:23 am) Download 41 kb, 400 Downloads
Pagyra User Offline 09.08.11 06:05:29 am Very nice... but about the quality - Phenixtri say right I like it!
Phenixtri User Offline 08.08.11 11:02:03 pm Not bad for rezizes but they could have used custom textures over the main shapes for better quality. But over all very well made and certainly original. I like it!
Dopey User Offline 08.08.11 10:25:08 pm I am a male, my username sounds "girly" a bit, the only reason i used it case i love oddworld, ecspecially sligs. Well, back to the skins for now
WTFNinjaPirateFTW User Offline 08.08.11 09:05:19 pm pure awsome and ur first woman/jk that made crash bandicoot skin I like it!
Dopey User Offline 08.08.11 07:55:40 pm Spy, I ripped those sprites very difficult, so then they were very easy to replace the player skin
The Spy User Offline 08.08.11 06:37:21 pm Sliglover those skins are really awesome but, they are resized I like it!edited 1×, last 10.08.11 12:09:58 am