Zm BarricadeUltimate programmer BANNED Offline 23.07.11 04:43:08 pm Hello This easyest script was made for zm game mode for difficult building.It just allow build barricades(walls) only at walls etc edited 1×, last 25.05.12 09:14:48 pm Approved by Seekay (30.06.17 12:23 pm) Download 4 kb, 507 Downloads
Peacewalker User Offline 06.08.11 07:22:56 pm Nice. Hope its Obstacle, Wall wont let you shoot. I like it!
tom282f3 User Offline 25.07.11 01:04:26 pm Cool script but I don't know what it can do really I like it!
Apache uwu User Offline 23.07.11 09:41:42 pm Good idea, we need moar people like you...all your files are awesome I like it!
Yates Reviewer Offline 23.07.11 09:13:10 pm Crash his lua, haha. I really hope now that that idiotic idea comes true.
Ultimate programmer BANNED Offline 23.07.11 08:29:04 pm Yes +build only at walls(windows,dooes,columns)
Yates Reviewer Offline 23.07.11 05:25:26 pm No. It will just not let you build stuff that doesn't have 2 walls next to it.