[P2] Personality spheresuseigor User Offline 21.07.11 01:51:55 pm Personality spheres from Portal 2 DON'T edit/copy/steal this file DON'T claim it as yours USE for your own maps/scripts. Spoiler Personality spheres from Portal 2 by USEigoR (- Email address (only visible with login) -.) is Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. edited 6×, last 11.11.12 12:00:15 pm Approved by Infinite Rain (27.12.15 01:13 pm) Download 27 kb, 440 Downloads
Majatek User Offline 31.10.11 09:21:37 am Yay! Someone who can sprite decent (well actually these are brilliant, far beyond decent) sprites! I like it!
Apache uwu User Offline 22.07.11 05:19:36 am Looks ... interesting, it's a good idea, but it's not suited here.
Alistaire User Offline 21.07.11 02:35:34 pm That's cause you'll need to use the wall 3 image under it. I like it!
useigor User Offline 21.07.11 02:20:33 pm 0A has writtenhm, it would be cool if its for supply/turret in the sense? Show example
Alistaire User Offline 21.07.11 02:15:49 pm Lol yea you're right. My maps weren't requested neither. I like it!
Nem User Offline 21.07.11 02:08:49 pm "but if you/anybody do(es)n't need them, I don't get why you make it." Sometimes i make something for me too, there is actually no reason, maybe he like to do it, or maybe he just wanted to see what he can do. imo I like it!
Alistaire User Offline 21.07.11 02:00:43 pm Yea they look like cores, but if you/anybody do(es)n't need them, I don't get why you make it. I like it!