This map is a remake of one of the most epic games ever
made: minecraft!
This map is rp/ adventure.
It is huge: 80/130
list of changes:
= finished
= still in progress
= removed
= wont be added
admin house
trees with leaves, what can be destroyed
nether ( T spawn)
epic houses
full map
ores drop stuff (will be back at final version)
snowball fight
more to come!
I was working on this map more then a month!
The map and tiles are in the archive.
You can't edit this map or say that it is yours.
If you want to play this map with me, the creator of this map, search a server called 2d minecraft
Dont forget to rate and get a
edited 9×, last 19.07.11 06:16:28 pm
Approved by GeoB99
63 kb, 696 Downloads