This is just an image that many people do to make the texturing process easier, keep the character outline and cover the inside with a single color.
This file will save you some time, just start from it.
Simple, but useful.
Please, dont make stupid comments sayin that is too easy, everybody does, everybody knows, I'm a noob, keep these to yourself.
Its freaking easy, I'm just trying to make your job easier.
Why are you saying shit?
C'mon, I just want to make your job easier.
Thanks for everybody that rated (not the ones with names that start with x, they mostly suck :P)
Dude? What the hell is wrong with you? This is just an empty player base which its useful for newbies! Gah, I hate nubsauce that doesnt READ the description carefully before commenting!
wtf is wrong with you guys what about i upload a m4a1 in one color and say its skin base or something like that.
so FUC* off dude.DC pliss remove this FuCK*ng pice of shi*
wtf is this F*CKING S*IT for.Its just a player with color over it how it sopose to help I dont know just repainted in one color.I agree with yates who rate this 5 or 4 or even 3 go find you new brain!!!
This can get 5/5
Zeroarcanus's files can get 5/5
So I guess I should upload somethings like this, instead of trying to be good as Zero. A non-detail, one colour skin can get same rate with a detail-awesome skin ? I don't think so.