
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Pause Mod(V1.2)--Allows you to pause your game!
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English Pause Mod(V1.2)--Allows you to pause your game! >

28 comments4 kb, 595 Downloads

old Pause Mod(V1.2)--Allows you to pause your game!

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Today, I proudly present to you this script...

>Pause Mod
•Allows you to pause your game.

∗Why do I make this script?
Many times I think: Why we can't pause in this game? So I make it.

∗I want to know it's feature.
==================Basic Functions================
>Pause the game (You can't be hurt, you can't also hurt anyone else.) by saying "!pause".
>When you paused it, you'll see "Paused" on your head, tell others: I've paused it! Nothing can hurt me! hahaha!
>You'll have a 10 seconds cool-down before you can pause/unpause again. It's because some guys may cheat by that.
>Changing your team will unpause yourself.

================Version 1.1 Update================
>You are unable to build when paused! (Thanks to Factis699)
>Server won't kick you if you are paused too long. (Thanks to Factis699)
>You are able to keep pause if the server restarts(Round end, Console parsing, etc.)
>Some minor bugs fixed.(I won't tell you because you didn't find it LOL)

================Version 1.2 Update================
>Pause menu showed when you paused. (Thanks to Phenixtr)
>Paused image changed.
>Contains User Manual!
>Don't mind the black background of new image! Because I save it in BMP so transparent become black in Windows But still transparent background in game!

∗How do I use this script?
1. Select folder "Counter-Strike 2D" when you extracting the file.
2. Assign your server's lua to this by change it:
New Game->More Settings->mp_luaserver
to this:
You can also use it by add this in your script:

∗What else can I do with this script?
Creative Commons has written

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.

∗Can I comment it bad?
Mmm... I can't do anything to your comment, so that's your choice.
But don't comment me this kind of comment:
Noobs has written
This script is simple I can make it within 5 minutes.

Yeah. If you can make it, don't comment me because this is for who wants the script.

Finally, Have fun with it!

cookieMy Clan Website(Chinese):
edited 7×, last 16.06.11 01:40:41 pm
Approved by GeoB99

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4 kb, 595 Downloads


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Nice script, good work.

@Sunny Autumn and Ax3
Shut up. don't leave everytime bad comments. This is no same script what factis699 have.
I like it!


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The game doesn't pause for all players. And yes, Ax3 is right, same script.


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The script isn't same as that script.

Lol I bet you can't make it in 5 min

Where's the problem? I tested it and everything's working great. I'll be appreciate if you can tell me what's the problem.


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The game clock does still go ticking right? That's the major problem about it all.


BANNED Off Offline

This script is simple I can make it within 5 minutes.


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Pausing the game? How original idea! Good job, 5/5.
I like it!


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Nice. i like it.

Keep that good job !!!
I like it!
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