Zombie forestKimKart Idiot Offline 09.06.11 08:12:56 pm the second zombie story map.made by me. this is the continuing of the last map i uploaded Zombie City. U have to: find survivors get fuel for ur car from the house kill some zombies survive play it u can: Edit it upload with my premission u can't steal it say its yours make people think my map's suck Approved by Infinite Rain (08.12.15 07:33 am) Download 4 kb, 509 Downloads
Random guy User Offline 22.03.15 06:22:32 pm i love how people liked this type of map back in the days. now it would get removed LOL I like it!
KimKart Idiot Offline 22.03.15 05:48:58 pm No, this map is actually awful. I sometimes wonder why I haven't removed this yet.
XingGove COMMUNITY BANNED Offline 22.03.15 05:44:54 pm Beautiful, my friend cheetz, this file is a high quality! I like it!
KimKart Idiot Offline 13.06.11 09:46:58 pm @Jela331.ok il change the tile set,but i dont have aneything beter than this(CS2D_Night eagle) @Beautiful.Umm this has nothing to do with history.
Jela331 User Offline 13.06.11 09:16:06 pm Change tileset,make it little bigger and don't make soo much hostages. I like it!
Beautiful User Offline 13.06.11 07:56:30 pm Change Standart Tileset Make normal walls in forest Make history more interesting! 3/5 I like it!
KimKart Idiot Offline 12.06.11 09:41:22 am im making zombie tunel/bridge map and there is going to be something healty(not vegetable way,HP way)
KimKart Idiot Offline 12.06.11 09:36:33 am @2fast4you chek out the other maps(continuing of this one)theyre beter
Alistaire User Offline 12.06.11 09:29:41 am You should: Make it bigger Add normal chair sprites I like it! I like it!