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English maPmaKer's Townzilla >

51 comments935 kb, 733 Downloads

old maPmaKer's Townzilla

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Hello everybody,

• Today I introduce you one of my biggest town ever, Townzilla! As some of you may know, the map was created in August 2010 and it suffered many edits since then. But I decided to make the best version of Townzilla and here it is. The map contains a medium number of houses and flats, normal things on a town map, including special stuff like the 2 events which are player powered (this means that every player can start them). The admin got a special admin room with buttons and teleporters which can unlock every house, punish bad players and see how's the town going. Every tile that needed blending is now blended, every bug is now fixed, everything is calculated and security measures have been taken. Every team got its own primary shop where players from specific team can take their weapons without being afraid of the opponent team. You can win stuff by fullfilling the events. Almost every house got a weapon that spawns at a time, and also every house got its own basement, in a specific shape. Not like other towns, this one uses a different tileset edited by me.
• The map's style is based on a beach town. The town is surrounded by a beach and it includes different sounds to make it more realistic. All tiles have got their own properties, no sound is left undone, no sprite is left undone and there are no mapmaking bugs. Now thank you if you read all this text and let me show you some command that might interest you!

∗ Townzilla's Round Restarter

• Add the following code into your server's LUA script to activate the automatic round restarter, which includes 3 different timers. Copy and paste everything excepting this information and the last one below the code!

parse('trigger "TIMER"')

function starting(mode)
parse('trigger "TIMER"')

• Copy the above code into your server's LUA script. To change timers, replace the word "TIMER" with one of the following triggers' codes below!

> For 1 HOUR timer, replace TIMER with 1hour.
> For 2 HOURS timer, replace TIMER with 2hour.
> For 3 HOURS timer, replace TIMER with 3hour.

∗ Townzilla's Admin Room

• To enter in the admin room, you must be the original admin (the host) or to know the RCon password. How to open the admin room's door? Simple! Just open your console and type the following command!

trigger admin

• And hit "Enter". Be sure to stay near the admin door when you submit this command so you can lock the door immediatly!

Original tileset by LucasRib.
Map made by maPmaKer.

Thank you.
edited 12×, last 08.11.11 12:55:19 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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CS2D Boss
BANNED Off Offline

Nice working . a perfect town with it's proper commands and a simple lua script . good job @user maPmaKer:
I like it!

old Nice

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i dont play town maps, but this so nice. My friend show me and i like it
I like it!


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Awesome work maP!
I like it!


Deleted User

I like it!


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HOLEYSHEET best Town map ever.
It's AMUZING (Amazing)
I like it!


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Amazing, no comments
I like it!


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ah sorry, did not see :P.
I like it!


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Thanks. No problem, Lubo, everyone has its own oppinion. And fizzykil, yes there's a server online 24/7, but it may be changed, so check the serverlist for a server with my name usualy.

edited 1×, last 21.01.12 04:20:34 pm


User Off Offline

It's awesome -
I haven't really looked, but is there a server with this map playing? It would be much better than 'Yates' realtown' or whatever it's called. The admin room with the room unlocking is a great idea aswell! The map itself is very smooth - If I could, I would rate this 5/5. But all I can do is 'like' it.. ;).
I like it!


User Off Offline

OHHH i played this map...
sorry dude but i dont like it...


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Thanks a lot, guys! And I am really happy to see people enjoying it.

For those who have problems with map files transfer and loading, please download the map from here or from my website, install it in your CS2D folder and then connect to my server or other servers which use thise map. Thanks!


User Off Offline

I just played it whit u...Its cool and huge and cool!!...but it needs cookies :3
I like it!


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This map is very solid. Judging only by the 3041 entities > must have been a lot of hard work to do in order to get a stable version!
I like it!


User Off Offline

i love City RPs, anyone got a server for it?
I like it!


User Off Offline

Ok, sir if you say so ... . Thanks anyway for your rating.

old :D

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he is lying by the way he knows he is well anyway its a brill map
I like it!


User Off Offline

Sorry sir, never heard or told you this - The only person I told was Hamza and I told him to check my map.

old YAY

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he told me to rate 5 and he did told me to comment again
I like it!


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Thank you everybody! I am really happy to see people like it. Maybe I'll get some new servers too.

old Good Job, dude

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I dont play Town maps. But since you told me that its a really good map I couldnt ignore downloading and testing it.

Well first of all I wanna say that the tileset looks very good. There is nothing superfluous on this map, everything seems to be in order and looks real good. Some places on the map look perfect especialy their atmosphere. I also admired how you used tile bleding in the industrial area (for example like on screenshot number 4 and 2) Anyway is simply a perfection and worthy of nice comment and high rating.
I like it!
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