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English Ninja_Assassin's Mappacks! *9/6/11* Update >

23 comments122 kb, 478 Downloads

old Ninja_Assassin's Mappacks! *9/6/11* Update

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My maps that i've been working on (these aren't all of them) please do note that there are only 2 right now but i will make more to add to it anyway the first Mappack is only a starter pack soon there will be a booster pack (3-8 more) and then another Mappack with at least 5-10 maps. Anyone willing to help make maps gets a cookie and will be credited (send me the maps when you finish please ) I have now added pics sorry for none before but i had things to deal with there are no pics for esc_city (picture a long map with buildings, and a truck at the far east side) Please rate and tell me what you think! (Play the maps before rating!!)


9/6/11 - ∗News∗ come on guys without more mappers these mappacks will never be done and i plan to make at least 10
3/6/11 - ∗Hint!∗ when mappack 2 is completed 3-6 NEW achievements will be added! even i can't wait till it's done (now im going to play half-life) Peace
3/6/11 - ∗Chat∗ Heys guys Ninja_Assassin here have you found any achievements? if you have Don't forget to post the name, and how many points you earned from it have fun looking for them!
3/6/11 - ∗News∗ if you want your maps to be featured in the next mappack just message me the map and i will add it and you will be credited AND you will get to choose a theme for the 3rd mappack! so just message me if your interested
3/6/11 - ∗News∗ sorry guys i have been ill and i haven't had time to work on appartment
27/5/11 - ∗News∗ cs_appartment is being changed to con_appartment hopefully it works out better
27/5/11 - ∗NEWS!!∗ 2Fast4You has joined the team and will be making maps for you
24/5/11 - ∗News∗ next map in the mappack - cs_apartment
24/5/11 - ∗Tip!∗ in esc_city go around the truck to get in the driver seat then knife the passenger seat below you to finish
24/5/11 - ∗News∗ started Mappack 2, release date [27/5/11] or [28/5/11] (not sure)
24/5/11 - ∗Added∗ screenshots (sorry for the wait)
??/5/11 - ∗Added∗ Mappack 1



So far there are 4 (3 in de_mountain 1 in esc_city)

More >

∗Easter Eggs∗

in de_mountain there are 2 easter eggs, can you find them?

Note: if you find the eastereggs to easy pm me and ill make them harder in MP 2

Please rate and tell me what you think and any ideas will be nice (you'll be credited )

esc_ = Escape, a NEW (might already exist, if so i will edit) type of map where you have to get to the escape point before time runs out (in esc_city it's a truck)

you can:
use them on your server
upload to other websites (ASK first)
edit them (Again ASK first)

you won't:
say they're yours
edit or upload WITHOUT permission

Mappack 1 (Starter Pack) Contains:



Mappack 2 needs more maps and im getting worse at making them every day so i need Helpers! if you are interested message me (as it says in the news :D) join the cause, join the list, join me in my plan for world domina- i mean, world wide ratings! (you will be credited, if i take over the wor- i mean if you send me your maps or make maps for the mappack)

Peace out, Ninja_Assassin
edited 32×, last 09.06.11 09:32:43 am
Approved by GeoB99

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122 kb, 478 Downloads


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LOL maps but cool.

Keep that way,
I like it!


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OMG THIS IS VERY-VERY BAD!!! but i rate 5/5 because this is nice
I like it!


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Uuuh about that...i can't map very good anymore i need people (like the title says) btw, i've seen your work (skins) i even use your awp skin (the cool orange rifle) i absoloutly love your work PS: i have a request, can you make a skin for the deagle? if you can that would be epic and if you do make it send me the link, Peace Ninja_Assassin


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this is really bad really bad i meant to do this
I like it!


Mappack Master
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can you teach me how to put achievements into maps? im sort of new to mapping but i really wanna know how to do that btw these are really good keep it up
I like it!


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Go to editor - left-bottom Wrench icon - mapexport


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max amount of pics = 5 how do you get full map picture?
edited 1×, last 24.05.11 02:27:10 pm


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more pics plz D= and upload the view of all the map!


EpIc WiN
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so far im leaning towards the unreleased mappack but i might change my mind;)
I like it!


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no one else likes them so far so yeah of course your the only one, new leaderboard.

1st. EpIc WiN [13]
2nd. []
3rd. []


EpIc WiN
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im the only one there lol
ok so far your the only one to actually like them and your on top of the leaderboard for points.

1st. EpIc WiN [8]
2nd. []
3rd. []
I like it!


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ok so far your the only one to actually like them and your on top of the leaderboard for points.

1st. EpIc WiN [8]
2nd. []
3rd. []


EpIc WiN
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@Ninja_Assassin you can read my thoughts? jokes, anyways great maps i like in city how it shakes and then you gotta walk into the truck looks like your getting in it:D (btw i found the first Easter egg in mountain it said "+8 points")

EDIT: i just found the second easter egg got 5 points
I like it!
edited 1×, last 24.05.11 06:29:15 am

old soz

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i ain't pushing i just couldn't think of a name that people would notice eg. if i named it Ninja_Assassins Mappacks!, people would think "hmmm some mappacks" where as if i named it Ninja_Assassins Mappack! *24/5/11 update* (because i updated today) people would think "a recent update? let's take a look" see my point? (btw i actually did update today so that's why there were so many name changes, couldn't think of one that would fit so i came up with that eventually)


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I can easily tell that you're pushing. Look at this:
edited 19x, last 05-24-11 05:33 am

In fact, i think everyone can easily tell that you're pushing.


Apache uwu
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add screenies this might be a good map but I can't see anything


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Please add screenshots.. I don't want to install them before knowing what to deal with.


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this maps are very bad. and pls upload the fuc* screenshots.
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