

TLex is unlike any other admin script. It feeds all of it's commands and settings into tables, then when someone says something the system checks if the commands has been loaded, if it has it will check if all the commands checks have been fulfilled, then lastly it will do the action it was supposed to do.


All the commands need to be written in this syntax.
If you look at commands.txt all the commands are written like this.
ex. Example of !broadcast.
As you can see '!' is the symbol, broadcast is the name, '0' is numerical for 'user', 15 is the wait time, 99 means infinite args, and there are 2 checks. The first check if seeing if you have a usgn or not. The second check is checking if you are blacklisted via variable. The error for not having a usgn is 'Error: You have been blacklisted.', and the error for being blacklisted is 'Error: You have been blacklisted!'. The syntax for !broadcast is '!broadcast <message>. And 0 means it will not show 'Player used @cmd'.
Symbol(;)Name(;)Power Level(;)Wait Time(;)Args(;)Checks(;)Check1(;)Error1(;)Action(;)Syntax(;)Hide/Show/On
ex. Example of !broadcast.
!(;)broadcast(;)0(;)15(;)99(;)2(;)t_usgn[me]~=0(;)v_blacklist[me]==false(;)Error: You must be signed into usgn!(;)Error: You have been blacklisted!(;)msg(v_copyright..v_color["cyan"]..player(me, "name").." (BROADCAST): "..v_argsall)(;)!broadcast <message>(;)0
As you can see '!' is the symbol, broadcast is the name, '0' is numerical for 'user', 15 is the wait time, 99 means infinite args, and there are 2 checks. The first check if seeing if you have a usgn or not. The second check is checking if you are blacklisted via variable. The error for not having a usgn is 'Error: You have been blacklisted.', and the error for being blacklisted is 'Error: You have been blacklisted!'. The syntax for !broadcast is '!broadcast <message>. And 0 means it will not show 'Player used @cmd'.


A very simple blacklist system, if a player is blacklisted a file is created named after their usgn.txt, and inside is "true", when the player is unblacklisted the text is changed to "false".


A very simple user system, when a player is registered 2 files are created, usgn.cfg, and username.cfg. Inside usgn.cfg is "username power_level ;" and inside username.cfg is "password/autologin usgn ;".
ex. 44691.cfg [usgn.cfg]
ex. kossrifle.cfg [username.cfg]
ex. 44691.cfg [usgn.cfg]
kossrifle superadmin ;
mypassword 44691 ;


Very simple reporting system, when a player is reported their ip, usgn, and login name are logged, also the time, and reason are also logged.


Very simple voting system, when a player is voted their ip is stored in a table for 3 minutes. When they try to join a team they are returned with a message saying that they have been locked.


Very simple banning system, when a player is banned their ip/name/usgn is stored in /banned, and when they try to join they are kicked and the reason is also shown.


Very simple config system. Change these values to reflect how you want your users to react. If this is a clan lua first off change v_clan to your clan's tag. In other words, more customizable than any other script.


Very simple shortcut system. An example is shown here.
As you can see "." is the shortcut letter, an important sidenote, shortcuts can only be 1 character long. And @echo is the command name. Another example is also shown.
Again ~ is the character, another sidenote, you must have at least 1 argument beside the character for the shortcut to activate. And @chatchat is the command.
. @echo
~ @clanchat


A very simple anti-awp system, when a player has killed 15 times consecutively with the AWP their ip gets saved to a table and the game will strip the player of the awp and prevent the user from picking it up. Since their ip is stored reconnecting does not free the anti-awp. To disable this function type @antiawp off, setting this option to off does not free anti-awp counts but will enable players to buy/pickup and use the awp.


Any sidenotes will be placed here.
Okay I know TLex is a preprocesser but I actually build a lot of commands into the main script itself, the reason being was--there was no other way, no exceptions. The few are, @cloak, say returns, @mute, hope this doesn't affect script customization.
Remember @tlex commands does not refresh config.txt, if you have added something to config.txt use @tlex all.
This script it more efficient than most script for 1 reason, all of it's commands is not checked by text but rather by a table.
Okay I know TLex is a preprocesser but I actually build a lot of commands into the main script itself, the reason being was--there was no other way, no exceptions. The few are, @cloak, say returns, @mute, hope this doesn't affect script customization.
Remember @tlex commands does not refresh config.txt, if you have added something to config.txt use @tlex all.
This script it more efficient than most script for 1 reason, all of it's commands is not checked by text but rather by a table.


Version 1.0.7 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release
I forgot what I changed, anyways this is a global change, remember to replace everything, you can edit your settings in config.
Version 1.0.6 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release
Feature to grab command names with "**"
Lots of bugs fixed.
Version 1.0.5 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release
Some bugs, I forgot what I changed.
Version 1.0.4 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release
Hook names within hooks.lua would conflict with external luas. Hook names are now tlex_hookname.
Version 1.0.3 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release
@equipall not working?
Version 1.0.2 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release
!vote fixed
@authset fixed
Version 1.0.1 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release
TLex has been released
Version 1.0.0 [Version.Major.Revision] Private Release
Basic core structure
Basic commands
Basic user system
Basic report system
Basic blacklist system
Basic banning system
Basic anti-spam system
Basic shortcut system
Basic anti-awp system
Basic config system
Basic voting system

Version 1.0.6 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release

Version 1.0.5 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release

Version 1.0.4 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release

Version 1.0.3 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release

Version 1.0.2 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release

Version 1.0.1 [Version.Major.Revision] Public Release

Version 1.0.0 [Version.Major.Revision] Private Release

To add the first superadmin read the readme or click read User System+

This script is 140kb in size, that is the smallest admin script including all 250 commands, multiple systems. When I make my next script it will be even smaller and do even more!~

edited 59×, last 19.09.12 01:17:14 am
Approved by Starkkz
23 kb, 2,719 Downloads