Sorry everyone, the window creating function was absent in the uploaded version! Thanks to tom282f3 for pointing that out. Updated now.
Create UI elements - windows, buttons, text
Customize them any way you want - style sheet tables
Hover and click states for buttons
Assign ANY Lua functions to buttons - they will be executed on button click
Documentation about style sheet tables is INSIDE the archive in a txt file. Read it if you want to add your own styles.
Comments about usage of functions and their arguments are in the script before every function.
Write anything that's not clear to you in the comments - I'll gladly explain.
Video preview:
Style tables documentation:
Examples of usage:
EDIT 1: If box versions of this are ever to be released, then they'll probably look like the third image
Download, rate and comment, but most importantly - have fun.
edited 6×, last 10.03.15 02:48:50 pm
Approved by Starkkz
7 kb, 1,605 Downloads