[Half-Life] Houndeyeuseigor User Offline 01.05.11 01:43:14 pm Houndeye from HL1 DON'T edit/copy/steal this file DON'T claim it as yours USE for your own maps/scripts. edited 11×, last 07.08.13 06:00:13 am Approved by GeoB99 (21.04.16 05:50 pm) Download 15 kb, 596 Downloads
Lordpudimuseigor User Offline 04.05.11 11:24:07 am very nice but its for put in npc folder??' put in cs2d\gfx\models\houndeye\"here"
Starkkz Moderator Offline 03.05.11 11:25:07 pm If NTD want to use your sprite, i'll take it for the lua script of HL2D. I like it!
useigor User Offline 01.05.11 01:56:31 pm Already fixed. You can comment on. edited 1×, last 02.05.11 09:47:15 am
Night Till Death User Offline 01.05.11 01:45:24 pm wow amazing... now all you need to do is make it 32x32 or 28x28 to make it a bit smaller I like it!