[Half-Life:Opposing Force] Machine Gunuseigor User Offline 28.04.11 03:49:25 pm Machine Gun from HL1:OF (updated) Open this spoiler, if dont read previous comments. Spoiler Handle long since already fixed. Look up.(updated). facepalm. Dont write stupid comments about handle. P.S. Old screens. DON'T edit/copy/steal this file DON'T claim it as yours edited 11×, last 07.08.13 05:59:44 am Approved by CY (08.12.15 09:09 am) Download 4 kb, 567 Downloads
Ashelin BANNED Offline 22.03.14 10:21:27 pm Useigor hacks and has a small penis. Meh. Could of shaded the stock a bit more differently.
DevGru User Offline 16.11.11 07:16:42 am useigor has writtenWhat? It is your answer What I meant by "ok" is "Now I get it". The handle isn't short, It is really like that. I like it!
@tom282f3useigor User Offline 15.11.11 12:57:37 pm 1. Opposing Force is addon for HL1, so This is HL!!(SPARTA!!! joke) 2. Do you see that "HL1 OF"? HL1 OF - Half-Life 1 Opposing Force. _______________________________ Please, read discription. edited 2×, last 15.11.11 01:17:39 pm
Krimhorn User Offline 15.11.11 12:55:41 pm Awesome, how could i miss it? Only thing should be fixed i think, is grip. I like it!
tom282f3 User Offline 15.11.11 12:54:20 pm This is not in HL1 this is in Opposing force... I like it!
MAX-russia User Offline 15.11.11 12:36:52 pm Awesome!I like your style and every thing you made! I really like it I like it!
SEAL Team 6useigor User Offline 15.11.11 12:32:37 pm SEAL Team 6 has writtenOk? What? It is your answer?
useigor User Offline 14.11.11 12:19:52 pm QuoteI like the design but the handle is too short and drop image is very weird , also in hand image is so thin. If u dont see this comment and this "(updated)" - your promblem. Handle is not too short
DevGru User Offline 14.11.11 10:20:15 am I like the design but the handle is too short and drop image is very weird , also in hand image is so thin. I like it!
J4x User Offline 29.04.11 10:43:00 pm yeah the one on the spoiler is more suitable, btw awesome skin. I like it!
QuirZuseigor User Offline 29.04.11 07:43:14 pm -"The handle looks weird Really!" There? http://s51.radikal.ru/i133/1104/46/678a0be932b6.bmp or there? _______________________ This handle is suitable? Spoiler edited 2×, last 29.04.11 07:58:09 pm
Passer User Offline 29.04.11 07:42:23 am Awesome Shading Really ! useigor will be next awesome skinner! @Pagrya Dont Be Stupid Make Your Own If you Want like that.. Edit : The handle looks weird Really! I like it!
0-L-A-Fuseigor User Offline 28.04.11 07:46:46 pm "How did u get the op4 font just like u did in the screen" I do not have the font. But the letters can be found here: gearbox\pak0.pak\gfx\shell\
Picias BANNED Offline 28.04.11 07:40:29 pm awesome really my thinks i loved it its high detail and perfect I like it!
useigor User Offline 28.04.11 07:29:40 pm Pagyra, at least you played the op4? I'm not going to make skins from your pictures.