It's probably one of the biggest maps ever made for cs2d: map size is 321x276
The actual map of Fallout 3 (main locations, see screenshot 1) and best features from game:

The best place to step on mine is Mine Field)

Easter eggs revealed:

Special thanks to:
Joni (tiles improvement and fixes advice)
Navy Seal 6 (explodable Megaton bomb idea and adding ammo in item boxes advice )
Scyther and FaqAp (inspiration

Bethesda softwate (wonderfull game!)
Unreal software (cool game & map editor)
Guys who made tiles and sprites
Thanks to everyone who gave me ideas how to make it better. I'm waiting for your comments, ideas and advices!

Fallout 3 map on forum:
There are two maps in the pack:
FALLOUT 3 (DM)-deathmatch, spawnpoints in 8 different locations
FALLOUT 3 (TDM)-team deathmatch- CT spawn at Vault 101, T spawn in Paradise Falls
edited 6×, last 08.06.11 03:05:01 pm
Approved by Sparty
4.28 mb, 787 Downloads