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18 comments4.28 mb, 787 Downloads

old Fallout 3 v1.0

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I was working on this map for long time,because all the work you can see, I did alone.
It's probably one of the biggest maps ever made for cs2d: map size is 321x276
The actual map of Fallout 3 (main locations, see screenshot 1) and best features from game:

• Fallout 3 soundtrack: GNR & Enclave radio

• Destroyed Capital (Lincoln memorial, Washington memorial, Jefferson memorial, Capitol, Pentagon)

• Irradiated Potomac river (can be purifyed with G.E.C.K. in Jefferson memorial)

• Explodable cars

• Item boxes (spawn items/weapons/ammo on destroy.respawn item after some time- from 20 to 100 sec)

• Mines (actual mine sound from Fallout 3, respawns in 100 sec. And remember-you'll never step on mine if you know how does it look.
The best place to step on mine is Mine Field)

• Subway (2 lines, 6 stations-3 per each line)

• Refrigerators (also called fridges, spawn bandages and some special items)

• Terminals (carry some interesting info )

• Explodable megaton bomb in the center of Megaton (Navy Seal 6 gave me the idea, just press red button-and Megaton will be destroyed and irradiated, but remember- it's rather hard to survive explosion)

• Traps/Deadly things (mines,exploding fridges/boxes,radiation,trap doors)

• Pulowski preservation shelters (there are only three of them, but there is not much in real Fallout 3)

• Easter Eggs (have fun discovering them! )

Easter eggs revealed:
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√ Map is free to mod/edit and to use at your server.

√ Map is perfect for construction, roleplay, deathmatch and team deathmatch.

Special thanks to:
Joni (tiles improvement and fixes advice)
Navy Seal 6 (explodable Megaton bomb idea and adding ammo in item boxes advice )
Scyther and FaqAp (inspiration )
Bethesda softwate (wonderfull game!)
Unreal software (cool game & map editor)
Guys who made tiles and sprites

Thanks to everyone who gave me ideas how to make it better. I'm waiting for your comments, ideas and advices!

> Please don't comment, till you play it.

Fallout 3 map on forum:

There are two maps in the pack:
FALLOUT 3 (DM)-deathmatch, spawnpoints in 8 different locations
FALLOUT 3 (TDM)-team deathmatch- CT spawn at Vault 101, T spawn in Paradise Falls

More >
edited 6×, last 08.06.11 03:05:01 pm
Approved by Sparty

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4.28 mb, 787 Downloads


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I like.
I like it!


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It was not bad map. Bad tiles and ugly buildings but it can be remaked for the RPG server. Just remake some buildings, put safe zones with traders, add monster's spawns and it will be good map. But nobody will do it...
I like it!


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I like it!


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@user Snark: Well, there should be... but this map is too big and it takes a lot of time to download when joining a server.
I like it!


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...that's one big map...
but lol who cares?
I like it!


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Freakin' epic. Old but epic.

Sadly that there no servers with map like this.
I like it!


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Another idea: The button that makes the bomb at Megaton explode should be at tenpenny tower.

Also NPCs.
I like it!


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it looks cool
I like it!


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@user BartNixon: If you are still making maps can you make a New Vegas one?
I like it!


Spook MQ Hacker
BANNED Off Offline

no need to dislike this

here are dislike likes
Spoiler >
I like it!

old It me Navy seal 6

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I just changed my name, anyway thanks for using my ideas its a really good one, anyway the map is kinda boring when no one joins your server so can you add you npc's or some enemies? Like soldier npc as bandits and zombie/snark/headcrab/vortigaunt as monsters. its ok if you don't use my idea but great map! 5 over 5!
I like it!


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I agree that map should be smaller. But actually I was trying to make game in game, so it's ok for me.

Edit: Easter eggs revealed!
edited 1×, last 08.06.11 03:06:34 pm


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Its very good, other than i think you need better tiles and try to make the map smaller in places to lower lag.

I would give 4/5 but this must have taken you ages so i cant help myself to give you 5/5 mostly for all your hard work.

Very well done
I like it!


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Looks good, but rly need more good tiles
I like it!


The Spy
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The map is cool but the tiles are missing.
Anyway i hope you fix that soon.

Edit: I see you placed the tiles and the map is so cool when you are playing it :D.
I like it!
edited 1×, last 24.04.11 02:40:58 pm


User Off Offline

Good and nice but the map is too big not nice to use -.- better you make only 1 town not many town azzz it's was crazy like my server when using new map but the map is too big so my server become lag here the reason why my server lonely:

1. The map is big so make boring
2. The map is too big so when downloading it's must spent many time too but 5/5 i not want make 4/5 because this hehe
I like it!
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