I made an ELO-Rating Script, which you can use on your server to have a better rating system as the normal one.

Not included yet:

You need to create a folder called "elo" in your /sys/lua/ directory.

I hope you like my little piece of work. If you have any suggestion what to add to it, just tell me in the comments.
Have fun, Tobey.
Edit: The first four screens are from the testing phase. You cannot see your rank there.
Edit Nr2: When you're using this script on Linux, care that your "elo" folder has 777 rights, so CS2D.exe can save files in there

- This, so called chat-spam has been fixed by simply using a outfading hudtxt!
- Fixed a bug which caused you losing and gaining the same amount of elo by self-kill!
edited 7×, last 24.06.11 09:45:56 pm
Approved by GeoB99
2 kb, 583 Downloads