Teleport With ClawX-Files User Offline 15.04.11 09:37:27 pm Teleport With Claw i dont know english just download,look lua and vote Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 01:57 pm) Download 414 b, 866 Downloads
Hmm...ItsLullas User Offline 09.10.11 06:52:06 pm You should write a Description for the Lua. And it's a bit simple.. Description - 1/5 Lua - 2/5 = 2/5
Bowlinghead User Offline 01.09.11 01:07:58 pm I like it. But its realy a little bit easy... 3 - good! I like it!
Ayudon User Offline 17.06.11 02:17:05 am @troctor he said that he doesn't speak english, so: No problem with the description = 5/5 But.. about the lua.. = 2/5 3/5 I like it!
iCe4147 User Offline 19.04.11 02:27:27 pm OMG Really good script dude. Very nice 5, and Keep up the good work! I like it!
xSkyLordx User Offline 17.04.11 08:49:39 pm Good Lua --------------------------- X-Files sana Ulaşmam Lasım. - ----------------------------- Mesaj Attım - --------------------------- I like it!
thanksX-Files User Offline 16.04.11 11:49:28 am thanks...-WHiTe SHaRK,Picias,Precel97 ,factis699,aLeMDaR
Snake_Eater User Offline 16.04.11 09:14:13 am Yeah, I would say because of thje new changelog is that not sooo excited I like it!
Deleted User 16.04.11 07:53:02 am @smile no-pic - no download? its not your words lol and you dont got soul I like it!
Occasus User Offline 16.04.11 06:57:18 am @x|Smile|x No pic no download... What kind of nonsense is that? Well i like the idea for a teleporting with a claw but it's a bit simple maybe not that bit though.. Well, it's good I like it!
Hanz User Offline 16.04.11 04:40:22 am no pic no download-2 = 3/5 oh iya 1 more no information -1 so become = 2/5