CS:S Player Skinshardstyle1 BANNED Offline 02.04.11 07:26:25 am COUNTERSTRIKE:SOURCE Player Skins www.CS2DKc.co.nr Use in-game Claim it as your work CREDITS: Hardstyle1 DAISUKE http://www.gamebanana.com/skins/23896 edited 3×, last 02.04.11 07:32:18 am Approved by GeoB99 (11.10.16 04:17 pm) Download 9 kb, 729 Downloads
YoWhateverElse User Offline 04.04.11 05:33:20 pm Awsome Skin very nice i use them too now GJ Greez Neo ! I like it!
ImBack User Offline 04.04.11 07:33:02 am Legendary, how can I say more? It was just the style back then, rather than more detailed, you go for a brighter, clearer sort of of skin/tiles etc. I like it!
united User Offline 02.04.11 06:10:17 pm The 2nd CT looks kinda weird but I love the cartoonish effect of the others. I like it!
Mechanolith User Offline 02.04.11 02:15:59 pm Great work, but the eyes of the artic remembers me devil eyes I like it!
Axes_creepz User Offline 02.04.11 12:14:54 pm man. cool cartoon effect. i luv it. keep up the gud work. The colors is nce to. looks like real. I like it!
hardstyle1 BANNED Offline 02.04.11 09:42:56 am I used PhotoshopCS4 for the render, PAINT for the skins.
Kurumi User Offline 02.04.11 09:37:45 am Nice. What Programme did you used to write the text in pic? And with what programme did you created skins? I like it!
cortz Super User Offline 02.04.11 09:34:23 am Awesome job. Just missing out the detail. Doing Great! I like it!
hardstyle1 BANNED Offline 02.04.11 07:34:20 am I used DAISUKE'S players for the shape, and fully edited them. I made the skins! http://www.gamebanana.com/skins/23896 edited 1×, last 02.04.11 07:48:03 am