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2 comments2 kb, 438 Downloads

old Eating with Scriptkey

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Hi folks! I guessed some of you guys may be interested in the eating-script i coded for the Candyland-Mod. So here is the code for the game.inf

It allows the player to eat directly from objects and units. It isnt working in items, and for you can eat items with R, it aint necessary also.

It is running without any problems in my mod, though you may have to adapt a few thing when using it for other mods, especially the scriptkeys. I hereby allow you to use this for other mods.

In order to run properly, you have to declare 6 variables on:load in objects and 3 variables in units, further explanations in the comments.

> dynamical scaling of objects in relation to eating-counter
> planted objects not scaled by eating counter until grown up
> fixed bug which allowed the player to do something else while eating / doing sports

Also included:
> a little script for gaining and loosing weight, meaning getting fat. i think for this arent any adaptions necessary, maybe the scriptkey again.
> examples for game.inf definitions and objectsscripts, necessary to get the stuff working

Have fun!
edited 3×, last 04.03.11 11:04:49 am
Approved by GeoB99

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thanks. actually i already developed my code for the mod some further, so this isnt the code as it is in the mod right now, but i want to finish the mod first before adding an updated code with more functions.


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good job :). Keep i the good work!
I like it!
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