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English Akmin's Menu Script v1.1 (Bars!) >

11 comments3 kb, 536 Downloads

old Akmin's Menu Script v1.1 (Bars!)

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Hey guys! I thought, humm, why not start back off good. So ive made a menu script thats for download that adds alot of goodys to servers.

So Lets List Whats On.

If it has a *, that means it can be edited in the config. Yes! It does have a configuration!

Here Is SOME Of The Features!

Spoiler >

If you guys have ANY ideas, Please comment. I would love to add colors and/or more stuff.

I got some stuff im wanting to add. So, if you don't see it. 3 of the features are out of order. im going to hopefully fix this next version.

Spoiler For Everyone
Spoiler >
edited 3×, last 20.02.11 05:17:15 pm
Approved by GeoB99

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3 kb, 536 Downloads


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Great lua i can finally spawn weps
I like it!


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bad script no server action 1/5


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Hey toby, Ill update with some more info soon. It basically adds a nice list on the left with alot of information. It can be seen in other areas but I summed most it up in a little menu on the left. Kills, Deaths, Money ( optional ), name, Server Welcome, and coords. Some other stuff too. I also just got the death bar, health bar, and taken bar working. It is a little hard to understand at first. But if you shove it in your brain it will make sense. Basically, when you hit someone it will show the damage they took and there current hp. when you take damage it shows how much you took.

@CrazyBooy, it may be simple but it works perfect and could be useful on servers.

Also, Im taking requests people. I know this has to be missing something xD. Im going to be working on a new idea why you guys think of stuff.


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I don't get it. What does this lua do? The screenshot+description won't help me..


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Nice script
@crazybooy u noob, you make shitluas and rate files 1/5
I like it!


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Bad script and very easy.bad Rate --> 1/5


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very Good and iam Rating you 5/5
I like it!


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thanks fn linkin park been a while so this is my rusty work I just got the TakenBar working. If you see it, it is out of order. I fixed some stuff. Now when you take damage it tells you how much. now i need one for when you damage others and to show there hp after you hit them. this all will be optional tho.

edit: Yay fixed all the bars. Its a little complicated to understand but good if you get use to.
edited 1×, last 19.02.11 06:47:41 pm


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Looks nice, it is useful for admins.
I like it!


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im getting there i was more worried about working on my Zombie Survival script


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Ummm... add some screenshots
I like it!
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