Version 1 Includes
Death Message *
Show Money *
Show Name, Health, Armor, Etc.
Welcome Message *
X & Y System *
Minute Speech * ( like the sample )
Color Config *
And Much More! Can Remember All...
Version 1.1 Includes
Taken Bar *
Health Bar *
Damage Bar *
Taken Bar shows i think to the left the damage you take.
Health Bar shows the person your attacking's current health.
Damage Bar shows how much damage the person your attacking is taking.
All Bars Disappear after a few seconds. I think 5. If you attack or get hit again. It updates.
-Death Message-
Every time someone dies, they will get a message. Just something that is there

You can change what it says. By default it says, "Son Of A Onion! You Died!"
-Show Money, Health, Kills, ETC-
On the left of the screen it shows a nicely displayed menu will all that information. It is OPTIONAL to have it show money.
-Welcome Message-
On top of all the stuff showed in the menu, It shows a nice message. By default it says ( i think ), "Enter Your Welcome Message Here."
-X & Y System-
Under the radar it shows the tile x and tile y the player is standing on. If you wish you can remove it or make it show the pixal X and Y. Also, You can just remove it
-Minute Speech-
If you look at the picture, it shows something saying, "My Speech" and a arrow pointing at a nice message. That is what the Minute Speech is. It shows up every minute like the sample does. I guess i could have left it out. But i thought, whats the worst that could happen..
-Color Configuration-
The color configuration works on ALMOST everything. It makes it so every message, you can set there color. Soon ill add custom color ( if you know how to work with red, blue, and green ) and way more colors. The more color requests, the more colors to choose from. I plan on adding color to all text lines. Optional ofcourse.