InvisibleOLeG1k User Offline 07.01.10 11:15:01 am It is my first script))) I Hope it to you it will be pleasant! Certainly it not such abrupt, but all the same estimate!)) Have fun! Say !inv 1 To activate invisible Say !inv 0 To deactivate invisible Approved by GeoB99 (22.07.16 04:41 pm) Download 854 b, 896 Downloads
Crazyx User Offline 24.05.10 01:48:59 pm @Sunny Autumn: and? As far as I see you never use ")))" and I said the ")))" is idiotic, not the people who use them/are Russian.
Crazyx User Offline 23.05.10 05:40:59 pm Calm down, Russian kiddo! Before downloading, we need details! Damn it, is that so hard to understand? @DC: I noticed that Russians use the ")))" as a replacement of ":)". Idiotic, yeap.
DC Admin Offline 23.05.10 12:58:44 pm you should add the description here as well. that's why there is the description field... and what is this fucking ))) crap about?! it's annoying, ugly and no proper language and therefore a RULE VIOLATION! so remove it and stop it!
Flacko User Offline 23.05.10 12:10:53 pm Readme.txt has writtenWrite in a chat !inv 1 it will include an invisibility mode!))) write in a chat !inv 0 it will disconnect an invisibility mode,but will kill you))) I like it!
Crazyx User Offline 23.05.10 01:15:34 am Please make a list of commands and stuff and your upload's description. No description, no download and... yeah, 1 star.
palomino User Offline 22.05.10 03:09:19 pm Completely agreed with Saibot. P.S. Why did you rate my simple script with 1 star? I like it!
Flacko User Offline 22.05.10 02:16:37 pm @Lightning: You're such a pussy Edit: Oleg, I read your script, you have several errors. I like it!
droctagonapus69 User Offline 19.05.10 03:47:19 pm wow you people have nothing nice to say do you? well for starters this is a great script! and i think in some situations, typing !inv 1 might be a good thing to do. In all, a 4/5 since this is only your first script I like it!
palomino User Offline 19.05.10 11:45:41 am It is his first script. Probably he did it for lazy people who don't want to write one of their own. I like it!
Night Till Death User Offline 19.05.10 10:06:05 am Sunny Jealousy has nothing to do with this...its just a useless though starting script that has no pupose what so ever.
Heartless Soldier User Offline 19.05.10 02:07:24 am Good for being your first script. A guy uploaded exactly the same script (with similar commands) and his upload dissapeared
Cure Pikachu User Offline 18.05.10 06:52:28 pm OK? Pretty OK for starters. I like it!edited 1×, last 23.05.10 01:39:16 pm