
First, say "weapons" to open a menu to select weapons. Browse the menu and select the one you wish to spawn
then left click to place it.

First download the files and extract the contents to your CS2D folder
Now, open sys/lua/server.lua and type dofile("sys/lua/WeaponPlacer/main.lua")

Added an image to show where the weapon will be placed (gfx/hilight.bmp)
You can no longer add weapons on tiles that cannot be walked on
You can disable items in settings.txt

Now it is system independent and is easy to install (no DLLs!)
All players on the server can use it
cost money to place items (default price is: weapon_price * 1.5 + 100)

Now the window can be moved without affecting the placing of weapons.

If an image for the selected weapon cannot be found it will load gfx/hilight.bmp
You can no longer spawn items on a tile that can not be walked
NULL items are hidden from the menu
edited 13×, last 11.06.11 08:42:54 pm
Approved by GeoB99
4 kb, 944 Downloads