I'm tired to remove/upload this script everytime I upload new stuff so if you want the newest version go here:
Click here to get the latest version of the script
IMPORTANT: Some script functions may be outdated. So i don't want comments like: "Wow, X Lines when you can make X Lines?"

The following script is an edited script by the original creator, Starkkz. The original reason of this edit is the saving money function and many other Admin commands. Actually, this is the first RolePlay script that uses a saving function (Uploaded on 2009. Got re-uploaded)
One day i met Beckerchen who help me alot about lua scripting, i just did a part of it. Beckerchen did almost everything.
Thanks to him to making the RP : )
As you can see. My goal was to have saving function and many others. Since RolePlay wasn't very popular i decided to make a real-RP change.

The fourth Image is a Upgraded version of the script. It's not added in the file for security reasons
Also, the script may have bugs, please forgive us about that, we tried our best to not have to.

Visit us if you want more cool scripts!:


Revision 2.2:
Revision 2.1:
Revision 2:
Revision 1:
edited 37×, last 26.07.12 08:10:16 pm
Approved by Starkkz
10 kb, 4,975 Downloads