aim_shotgun_christmasrizzla User Offline 07.12.10 06:39:19 pm Who like map aim_shotgun? Now it's a christmas version There are two versions(screenshot) Approved by GeoB99 (01.01.17 04:59 pm) Download 64 kb, 466 Downloads
buraxia3 User Offline 01.08.11 10:12:46 am Easy to make wait its edit! He not maked this. Give credits to tileset's owner.
brazileirinho User Offline 08.12.10 05:49:12 pm the pictures looks good most lack a bit of "seasoning" a map with nothing on the ground know there bales of a can adorned I like it!
RAVENOUS BANNED Offline 08.12.10 03:27:06 pm ctf_xmas - The real tiles! I'd like that you give atleast some credits. ;/
hobo man445 User Offline 08.12.10 03:15:07 pm all you did was change the tiles and added some shit (presents and tree)
Aether User Offline 07.12.10 09:06:43 pm Those tiles are so nostalgic, they used to be in that great map once, and they became popular soon. Anyways, the map is great, but It looks like a re-tile to me. But it's good to have a Christmas version, yeah.. Well, I'll shut up. I like it!
Refresh User Offline 07.12.10 07:08:58 pm I like shotgun maps! Great! And also love Christmas! I like it!