Cellphonestealth User Offline 21.12.09 08:28:50 pm You can place this cellphone anywhere on the map. The guy who is nearest to it, will try to walk or jump to the phone to answer the call. No matter what is in his way. Approved by DC (29.11.15 07:59 pm) Download 37 kb, 932 Downloads
Dantroil User Offline 07.08.24 12:37:22 pm That's weapon is very cool! Tho... there's one huge bug. If closest person failed to come and answer the call - game softlocks.
Slater User Offline 28.09.10 06:40:56 pm XD... Lol very good Idea XD... and what is when a Teamate comes ! I like it!
Vectarrio User Offline 05.07.10 05:11:03 pm @Anders4000 Death. @stealth Cool! I like the idea I like it!