CT1 (my first player skin)kNedLiik User Offline 01.12.10 08:42:51 pm Ok I thinked about making something more hard then the weapons so I started creating a player skin. Here it is. Thanks to: Yates - For telling me how to make better shadows. Please don't edit/steal/reupload. Made by me. Not just recolored , it is complete work. Approved by Sparty (06.07.16 06:32 am) Download 2 kb, 448 Downloads
f1bb3r User Offline 24.04.11 03:15:13 pm i agree with useigor (skin like a piece of shit) but for first skin it is not bad I like it!
SRAN User Offline 03.12.10 07:57:11 pm huh it dont look like soldeir or ct 4/5 for the painting I like it!
kNedLiik User Offline 03.12.10 06:32:07 pm Thx to all of you (but not to glauquin) cause you all are good skinners and it mean a lot for me to get 4/5 or 5/5. Really thank you
kNedLiik User Offline 02.12.10 04:07:04 pm glauquin Why 2/5? You dk anything about painting . You cant make shadows etc and u rating the skin?
kNedLiik User Offline 01.12.10 09:06:54 pm i put only some dark , lights dots to make it like desert camoflage , but the screens are so weird please try download and look at the pics
0a User Offline 01.12.10 09:04:11 pm hmm. is it ill? red-green things anyway, you should change eyes + hands. and add more something. it looks weird with only that suit I like it!
Helios User Offline 01.12.10 09:01:03 pm Nice skin, amybe its eyes fail a bit, and I see too many random color points, maybe it's my screen Anyways nice job I like it!
Casper- User Offline 01.12.10 08:54:37 pm great! awesome! kewl! it looks a little "dotty" but its cool ! I like it!