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English New Bots by Loooser >

95 comments10 kb, 2,164 Downloads

old New Bots by Loooser

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This are my new bots. They attack players,npcs,buildings and are reloading after they killed a player. The bots have many new modes. they spray logos, use the radio and build

Here you can see in which order the bots attack the enemies

Rank 1
rank 2
other buildings

go into the skills file to change the skills
edited 1×, last 24.11.10 09:19:41 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain

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@user cocorepublic: Unfortunately, we're not able to see the screenshot because we cannot see it through F:/ partition inside of your computer. Use an image uploader such as Imgur for example and we might help you with further issues or bugs.


BANNED Off Offline

Then they cant use trigers and open doors ?
I like it!


Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

This script has 1,234 Downloads at the moment, Ill have to ruin it by making it 1,235 Downloads.
I like it!

old ville

User Off Offline

bot maded village of despenser barbed wire and turrets... so mean so after saw in zm bunker zoimbie make turrets barbed wire and gatefields all buildings... and bot vs npc and soldier bot and even sometimes zombie wears rpg luncher item in servers in mid of like con sandbox...

rpg dm map editor clamps hatches flicker and explosion hurt
bridge and glock shoots lasermine...

that was fiction it not work even when removed lines with message enemy spoted 9-11, 8..

then i cant download script as first i used 4 locations by this

New Bots by Loooser
3 images

old new Bots update by Loooser
3 images

old New! Bots Script *Fixed*
4 images

old Construction Bots
1 image

so i used construction bots with script building

but.. newbots fixed as bots...

remover lines about enemyspoted by search in text (find)
elseif radio== 8, 9, 11..

not fixed nothing but still bots trys to build something but they stops in work but by first new bots script download it sais something by download thats corrupted file so it or not download or cant open file whatsoever

possible great idea that didnt works for many so now after last try to make server i giveup in manner to only replace with new cs2d copy just bots folder

no bots building and for 1mbps uploadrate user theres no option but to rise boring server

we europeans are not english talking mean no metter who is its hard to logic to me that bot builds and to compile by my location of retarded circumstance demographic personal fucked as person by local family pedophiles and psihiatry mates..

to start alone to learn lue building cs2d scripting so thats reason i cant build something about (i can say i am caward) but mean x yugoslav region is very difficult to by folks spirit and telepathy very significant by streetlights from space to mention by anything good

but by so much antychristianity from bosnian muslims and agression of serbs that are ortodoxes but by ignoring that delusion of god as my dad were chatolic.. is enormous he dies but would ask not in this life anymore

do you wanna sunny eat something why you not eat

then as latins mexes and chatolics overtake by gods delusion usa and blacs bullshit niggerism with glocks and ortodox in sunitism global terorrism by some 1500years ago folk traditional bulshit fundamentalism world wide

bot maded village of despenser barbed wire and turrets... so mean so after saw in zm bunker zoimbie make turrets barbed wire and gatefields all buildings... and bot vs npc and soldier bot and even sometimes zombie wears rpg luncher item in servers in mid of like con sandbox...

rpg dm map editor clamps hatches flicker and explosion hurt bridge and glock shoots lasermine..

ill remove or i am very stupid person

currnelly since bots stops before i replace them by native root of original cs2d bots folder again this:

function fai_build(id)
     local money=player(id,"money")
     if playerweapons(id,74) then
          ai_selectweapon(id, 74)
          -- 20 Search Attempts
          for i=1,20 do
               -- Random Adjacend
               -- Not the player tile itself
               if (x~=px or y~=py) then
                    if money==16000 then
                         local build=math.random(0,5)
                         if build==0 then ai_build(id,6,x,y) -- gate field
                         elseif build==1 then ai_build(id,7,x,y) -- dispenser
                         elseif build==2 then ai_build(id,8,x,y) -- turret
                         elseif build==3 then ai_build(id,9,x,y) -- supply
                         elseif build==4 then ai_build(id,13,x,y) -- teleporter entrance
                         elseif build==5 then ai_build(id,14,x,y) end -- teleporter exit
                    elseif money>=10000 then
                         local build=math.random(0,3)
                         if build==1 then ai_build(id,7,x,y) -- dispenser
                         elseif build==2 then ai_build(id,8,x,y) -- turret
                         elseif build==3 then ai_build(id,9,x,y) end -- supply
                    elseif money>=5000 then
                         local build=math.random(0,3)
                         if build==1 then ai_build(id,14,x,y) -- teleporter exit
                         elseif build==2 then ai_build(id,7,x,y) -- dispenser
                         elseif build==3 then ai_build(id,7,x,y) end -- dispenser

from this script:

function fai_build(id)
     local money=player(id,"money")
     if playerweapons(id,74) then
          ai_selectweapon(id, 74)
          -- 20 Search Attempts
          for i=1,20 do
               -- Random Adjacend
               -- Not the player tile itself
               if (x~=px or y~=py) then
                    if money==16000 then
                         local build=math.random(0,5)
                         if build==0 then ai_build(id,6,x,y) -- gate field
                         elseif build==1 then ai_build(id,7,x,y) -- dispenser
                         elseif build==2 then ai_build(id,8,x,y) -- turret
                         elseif build==3 then ai_build(id,9,x,y) -- supply
                         elseif build==4 then ai_build(id,13,x,y) -- teleporter entrance
                         elseif build==5 then ai_build(id,14,x,y) end -- teleporter exit
                    elseif money>=10000 then
                         local build=math.random(0,3)
                         if build==1 then ai_build(id,7,x,y) -- dispenser
                         elseif build==2 then ai_build(id,8,x,y) -- turret
                         elseif build==3 then ai_build(id,9,x,y) end -- supply
                    elseif money>=5000 then
                         local build=math.random(0,3)
                         if build==1 then ai_build(id,14,x,y) -- teleporter exit
                         elseif build==2 then ai_build(id,7,x,y) -- dispenser
                         elseif build==3 then ai_build(id,7,x,y) end -- dispenser

function makectt(id,t)
if t=="!maket" then
parse("maket "
return 1
elseif t=="!makect" then
parse("makect "
return 1

-- if you have it for a zombie server and want a msg, remove the --

-- addhook("minute","makemsg")
-- function makemsg()
--      msg("If you want to be a Survivor, type: !makect")
-- end

* fastbuild.lua
* =============
* A Lua script for Counter-Strike 2D, and people without patience.
* Change, give, take, eat, catapult it into space. Do what you want to or with it. (Except sell it, don't do that.)

local pie = {}
pie[1] = { price = 300 }
pie[2] = { price = 500 }
pie[3] = { price = 1000 }
pie[4] = { price = 2000 }
pie[5] = { price = 3000 }
pie[6] = { price = 1500 }
pie[7] = { price = 5000 }
pie[8] = pie[7]
pie[9] = pie[7]
pie[13] = pie[5]
pie[14] = pie[5]

function build_hook(id, type, x, y)
if not pie[type] then
return 0

-- Spawn the pi... I mean building! Definitely a building!
parse("spawnobject " ..type.. " " ..x.. " " ..y.. " 90 1 " ..player(id, "team").. " "

local capitalism = player(id,"money") - pie[type]["price"]
parse("setmoney " " " ..capitalism)

return 1


parse('mp_building_limit "dispenser" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "turret" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "supply" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "gate field" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "wall I" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "wall II" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "wall III" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "barbed wire" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "Barricade" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "teleporter exit" 99999')
parse('mp_building_limit "teleporter entrance" 99999')

but still i can feel possible testing solutions

I like it!
edited 1×, last 09.05.15 01:40:06 pm

old Nice Loooser Surd of

User Off Offline

I've Read all the Comment's here if, Ghost101 Bot's Act Like Human's, then IMeow123 & xXx_Playzor_xXx said Bot's don't move after they build a turrent, barbide wire, dispenser, barricade, supply, gate field, wall 1, 2 or 3 etc., The Bot's Have a sickness of! @@********@@., For all of that Comment's, I like The Bot's you made really, You really did a good Job, Exept after Building Bot's don't move etc., But one question, How did you make that script i want to make a script!!! LOl, Like!!!
I like it!

old I HATE IT!

User Off Offline

Hey, Looster...
Why my bots are dont moving?
That is sooo bad now my File lua Standart AI is edited and i can't play with bots... please help me

old What is this?

User Off Offline

Hey is this to Improve the bots so they can

Use RadioChats?
Be Smarter?
Be like Real Humans?
I like it!


User Off Offline

Hey Loooser,

I was just wondering why you keep this file, when you have an update to your bots here -> ?

Does this one have any other/new features compared to the one I linked to above?

I was just wondering, as I've been using that other "Update" one, and LOVE it
I like it!


User Off Offline

Bot that building is so cool!
I like it!


User Off Offline

they only attack their own buildings if they have no owner (that means they have been placed on the map by the mapmaker


User Off Offline

they attack their own building :/, but i like it
I like it!


User Off Offline

Good job,

@user KarloF: No need to make it look like a review its just annoying, just say 'Good' or 'Bad' and so on, you may say something like '4/5' btw.
I like it!


User Off Offline




Clasification of MOD: ∗ . ∗ . ∗ . ∗ . ∗


Tranks for THE MOD! and good JOB!
I like it!
edited 2×, last 27.10.12 05:36:32 pm


User Off Offline

A like for your work.
I like it!


User Off Offline

1) Not only it was good, but I take 1 sec to download it!
2) I want add something based for picture 1 :

Bot chatter
I like it!


User Off Offline

As user EngiN33R said. Nothing more to say
I like it!
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