Tactical Shield (not recolored only!)kNedLiik User Offline 15.11.10 06:16:57 pm Hi this is my second try to make a cool skin . (my grenade wasn't so good) This is my own tactical shield :). I hope you'll like it :D. Approved by DC (14.12.15 10:19 pm) Download 800 b, 417 Downloads
jinling93 User Offline 26.01.14 04:33:21 pm Jest spoko tylko ta kropka biała to jak klamka;D I like it!
Gholan User Offline 16.11.10 03:27:09 pm i can see that yes but the top view and the shield part(not the window) makes no difference.well,exept the window you made a door out of a tactical shield
kNedLiik User Offline 16.11.10 03:19:46 pm Lolz it is totally different from normal .. I made new window for it too as you can see the window is bigger and it get better shadows
Gholan User Offline 15.11.10 07:38:49 pm not good it looks like a door and its the same as the standard one
Lightless User Offline 15.11.10 07:35:55 pm Very good shield but it is just like a door ! but im like it very much I like it!
Slater User Offline 15.11.10 06:53:34 pm THAT is a Reallly Good Tactical Shield ... Im Like it I like it!
PRINCE of PERSIA User Offline 15.11.10 06:25:22 pm its good but not for shield i will use this as DOOR in my maps I like it!
Loooser User Offline 15.11.10 06:19:41 pm you know there were better shields and its boring using the standart and changing it a bit