This time I made a Shoop da Whoop skin with sound, now it has laser_k, thanks TDShuft for it
Laser and laser_d images
Laser sound (i've cut it from the best lazah sound i've found)
As always, installation instructions included
It's Shoop da Whoop, it's epic
Do NOT steal or say its yours
Do NOT edit without permission
© to psychys for the skin idea, to Zeroarcanus for the Armored SWAT skin and to TDShuft for the 1st death notice img
Feel free to PM me if you have any ideas or questions( if you liked the idea :P)
Hope you like and enjoy the skin
EDIT: thanks everyone for rating and downloading my skin
edited 3×, last 01.04.11 07:04:02 pm
Approved by Sparty
229 kb, 778 Downloads