13 Flag by byengulbyengul User Offline 08.10.10 12:57:42 am By byengul 13 Nation Flag Use it You can edit it edited 2×, last 07.11.10 09:19:31 am Approved by GeoB99 (01.01.24 06:04 pm) Download 6 kb, 465 Downloads
byengul User Offline 09.10.10 07:09:31 am @ronaldhi first you should change flag name to "blueflag" or "redflag" then cut it and paste in to CS2D/gfx/weapons.
where to put it?ronaldhi User Offline 09.10.10 04:15:55 am do not know what places this file folder?I am Brazilian already downloaded the skin but do not know where to put. I like it!
0a User Offline 08.10.10 05:21:38 pm perfect flags but i DONT USE A COUNTRYS FLAG cz when i lose, my country lost? :S whatever great skins I like it!
Krimhorn User Offline 08.10.10 02:46:57 pm @Intrusion Here is my own Polish Flag, use it if you want Btw. Nice flags, but like Intrusion, we are Polishes, and there's nowhere polish flag 5/5 I like it!
Time User Offline 08.10.10 12:41:06 pm @Yorty Yeah, a million + 1 now. Besides this is rather easy to do.
kkkkkkkkkronaldhi User Offline 08.10.10 02:42:04 am gostei da do brasil vlw por fze uma do brasil.te adoro depois me ensina a faze skin?ron4ld.arndt@gmail.com . I like it!
omgGooDCatKill BANNED Offline 08.10.10 02:38:50 am GODD very very man good just have a brazilian flag i'm form brazil I like it!