Ray's_Crysis_NanosuitRay_ User Offline 25.09.10 05:21:34 pm Nanosuit skin BETA http://unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=2801 P.S. Crysis is a game by EA™ edited 2×, last 26.09.10 12:38:00 pm Approved by GeoB99 (23.10.16 11:51 am) Download 54 kb, 431 Downloads
s0nic User Offline 26.09.10 03:11:58 pm @Ultr4killer its right but model is good u can give 3 or 4 for it. I like it!
Ray_ User Offline 26.09.10 07:22:14 am i'll do the beta version soon edited 1×, last 26.09.10 07:36:05 am
Ultr4killer BANNED Offline 25.09.10 08:14:41 pm WHAT THA FUCK? have you played crisis? This is not nanosuit. Nanosuit is black and got red bioculars or "eyes" and it is not white this is just white soldier
mikebos User Offline 25.09.10 05:52:46 pm hmm, Good Made But I think U could Do Better! 4/5 For that! I like it!
schattex User Offline 25.09.10 05:35:34 pm hmm the original nanosuit are darker : / i have a pic from the nanosuit if u want i can send it to you^^ I like it!