Chainsaw_LauncherRonder User Offline 25.09.10 01:14:43 pm Hi, It is my grenade launcher Install sfx: sfx==>weapons Install gfx: gfx==>weapons Special thanks Ray For C4 launcher Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 01:53 am) Download 15 kb, 488 Downloads
Zero6 User Offline 27.04.14 06:06:14 pm 0/5 1.its a jackhammer 2.its a penis also 3.i like u skin (joking) 4.why the hell i write 4.
Night Till Death User Offline 19.06.11 12:54:59 pm wait wtf...this is my chainsaw/aka the jackhammer... it was uploaded on moddb - i only noticed it now couse i went by the files...
s0nic User Offline 26.09.10 03:06:34 pm i was giving 5/5 but its jackhammer but again 5/5 You must change its name to Jackhammer_Launcher I like it!
Ha4r BANNED Offline 26.09.10 09:16:22 am 1. You fail at making chainsaw 2. Thats a jackhammer you retard brain 3.i hate you 4. i will rate 1/5
.YeaH.FiiD User Offline 25.09.10 06:21:01 pm CoooL...but the idea is stolen so do you got the permission to post this??? From Ray???
Ax3 User Offline 25.09.10 04:22:07 pm Lol make coolface launcher, HAAX launcher, Banhammer and a Zombie launcher! xDDD
StirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 25.09.10 04:10:35 pm Don`t steal my ideas (Don`t make treollface launcher) I think this is steel d1ick launcher I like it!
C0ast User Offline 25.09.10 03:45:14 pm That's a jackhammer man , change the title to ''Jackhammer Launcher'' -.- I like it!
Time User Offline 25.09.10 02:34:34 pm Yep it looks like a dick. D I C K d-i-c-k DeeK Deak PENIS woo-boo stick cock c-a-w-k Justin Beiber BTW thats not a chainsaw -__- I like it!