dm_Forest battleAura User Offline 30.11.09 02:02:32 am (This is my first Counter-Strike mod map!) This map is for the CStrike mod whare you can get hear! (fixed link) There are 25 enemys for you to kill, good luck! edited 1×, last 28.12.10 05:43:59 pm Approved by DC (02.12.15 10:12 pm) Download 36 kb, 1,507 Downloads
LeoExcaRate User Offline 05.01.13 11:24:29 am Its like a uploaded map of cs2d in here,dat map is 3D and the uploaded is 2D,I like it! I like it!
Corvallis5 User Offline 26.02.12 04:10:28 pm you have to put it in your maps folder of Counter Strike mod I like it!
Gabriel Jackson User Offline 26.02.12 11:35:37 am It doesn't work! I put it in a map,but it doesn't work!!Pls help me
DevGru User Offline 23.01.12 08:47:13 am @ D7oom: "Jop" Flip it and it will be better "JonysuperWolf" IT'S "JohnTheWolf"!!! I like it!
DevGru User Offline 29.12.11 08:41:56 am robed, you are under arrest for violating the spoiler tag use. (Lol) File: Awesome map. I like it!
robed User Offline 04.08.11 08:03:42 pm THIS IS AWESOME! Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler nice I like it!
jessetheduck User Offline 29.12.10 12:18:40 am Thanks but I downloaded it yesterday. Good mod! Zombie's are a bit slow though.
Vectarrio User Offline 28.12.10 11:20:19 am @jessetheduck I like it!
jessetheduck User Offline 28.12.10 05:26:29 am How can he get it for me? Does he already have it ? Ohhh I see he's the one that made it. I'll just search the mod on google.
UnIdEnTiFiEd User Offline 28.12.10 05:23:57 am @jessetheduck then just pm vectar666 to give you a link @on-topic make it harder and longer and i will give 5/5 I like it!
jessetheduck User Offline 28.12.10 04:31:32 am I ment it's a map you need to play with mod you can't download anymore.
UnIdEnTiFiEd User Offline 28.12.10 03:40:57 am @jessetheduck that does not make an sence! it doesnt mean its the mod AND the map =P its JUST the map @ on-topic Awesome map 4/5 I like it!
jessetheduck User Offline 28.12.10 02:54:58 am If i'm a child then why did he put it in mod maps(for stranded 2 mods)