this script is basicly what I wrote here and adresses the problem with putting more than 16 maps into the sys/mapcycle.cfg.
After each mapchange, this script will put 16 new random maps into the mapcycle out of potentially 100s of maps.
- put all files into the CS2D directory and dofile sys/lua/mapcycleExtended.lua
- Use sys/mapcycleExtended.cfg like the original sys/mapcycle.cfg but you can use as many maps as you want
- The original sys/mapcycle.cfg is only relevant for the very first playsession and the very first mapchange
- Optional: change mce.maxMaps to further limit the voteable maps (line 22 in sys/lua/mapcycleExtended.lua)

edited 2×, last 13.07.24 01:12:48 pm
Approved by Gaios
4 kb, 143 Downloads