I don't know if this already exists or not, but i could not find any good one so I decided to write my own with @

Somebody might need this. If you have any issue, or if there's any bugs let us know.
the code is pretty ugly, i havent put any extra effort into it, as long as it works its fine to me. the purpose of the script is to show you how to read a CS2D map file as the official documentation is very confusing.
put the map name into the "map" variable as a string with the file extension ".map".
would look something like this
local map_folder = "maps/" -- assuming the script is in CS2D folder local map = "cs_italy.map"
Contains everything about the map:

(2) Tile Modes

(3) Tile Heights

(4) Map

(5) Entities

Approved by Gaios
4 kb, 98 Downloads