No screenshots are provided! This script has nothing for you to experience visually; it's purely auditory.

These are the remaining settings:
-- Teammates only? pikachu.wpnsnds.teamonly = true -- Distance check in pixels pikachu.wpnsnds.teamrange = 400 -- Extend to dead players spectating? pikachu.wpnsnds.teamspec = true -- Use exact player position instead of cache for distance checking?	 pikachu.wpnsnds.precisepos = false

pikachu.wpnsnds.teamonlydetermines who else nearby can hear the weapon drawing sound effects you make.
truefor teammates only (default setting),
falsefor everyone (using

pikachu.wpnsnds.teamrangedetermines how far approximately (in pixels) teammates can be from you to be able to hear you switching your weapon. The default value is 400 and the minimum value is 1 (Just to be safe, there is an error check in place).

pikachu.wpnsnds.teamspecdetermines whether dead people or spectators are able to hear the weapon drawing sound effects you make if they focus on you or your nearby teammates. Setting it to
trueenables this (default setting).

pikachu.wpnsnds.preciseposdetermines whether player positions for distance checks will be precise (i.e. use the players' x and y coordinates during the checks themselves) if
true, otherwise it will instead use a system that caches player positions to the nearest tile (default is
P.S. I looked around the file archive earlier and was baffled by the non-existence of a script like this, I will have figured someone published their own version by now
edited 108×, last 11.01.24 02:12:16 pm
Approved by DC
134 kb, 108 Downloads