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English Sound Pack by TrenT [Russian radio] >

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old Sound Pack by TrenT [Russian radio]

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I changed all the players sounds,
radio and materials (I didn't change weapon sounds).

I took sounds from all over the internet . Therefore, there is no specific source of all sounds (I did not take the sounds of other authors in Unreal Software)

Also here is music from Soldier of Anarchy.
Music is present during bomb planting, defuse, CT and TT victories. And also at the beginning of the round

If you don't want to hear music then don't change these files:

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The file violates copyright / you did not ask the original author for permission / list of original authors or sources is missing!

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  • Make sure that you are actually allowed to use all files that you are using!
  • Ask the original authors of all used files if you are allowed to use them!
  • You are only allowed to use those files if you received explicit permission!
  • ALWAYS list the original authors and sources in the description of your file! Otherwise it will get deleted!

" took sounds from all over the internet . Therefore, there is no specific source of all sounds (I did not take the sounds of other authors in Unreal Software)"

No matter wherever content you're taking from, the author has to explicitly give consent about sharing it elsewhere, and in Unreal Software.

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9.96 mb, 234 Downloads



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