Evil.wav was changed cause file is to big
Now the sound is amazing "Omaewa mo shinde iru"- lol
Mega attack - Right mouse
Normal attack - Left mouse
Fling attack - Left control (leftctrl)
Throw medkit - Left shift
Dodge - Space
Critical attack is easy to get depending on the power you have
You can dodge baseball attack with 0.2 second
say "!give id" that will give baseball bat to specified id
say "!remove id" removing baseball bat from specified id
If you have medkit on your back, you can throw it, press left shift
You can give your team shield by shot them with snowball
I made scout be crossbow, its 1 hit but the ammo only 7
Make you are admin, put your usgn in adminlist

Thank you for downloading this script

So i make video for this script
edited 21×, last 25.07.21 04:49:26 am
Approved by DC
1.09 mb, 398 Downloads