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6 comments9 kb, 632 Downloads

old de_mad_1.2

Mad One
User Off Offline

Hello USGN us ! I created this map beacuse I was bored and it creation of this map didn't even gave me 1 day.
Don't do × : Don't edit this map without my permission, Don't pretend it is your map.
You can write me if you see something that you don't like.
I added gfx files now, I hope it looks better now beacuse I forgot to add it.
Added + The building is now larger.
Added + The map is now more playable beacuse there were comments for exmaple: "huge waste of space"
Added + Removed all trees from the map.
Map version: 1.2
This map doesn't contain any script.
Map has been tested sucessfuly and nothing is wrong.
You can use this map in your server but with my knowledge!
Other maps: zm_secret_facility_1.2, zm_mad_1.1
I hope you enjoy!
edited 14×, last 11.07.20 03:03:00 pm
Approved by BcY

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9 kb, 632 Downloads


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Mad One
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By the way, I forgot to mention that I might be not best mapper for Demolition mode maps, but I will learn and inspire by others, please don't judge me nor the map by negative things! This is my first Demolition map.
edited 1×, last 04.12.20 03:06:19 pm


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It's a cool idea and might be fun.

This I map I definitely would give a like to in the past, but it's kinda under average for today stardards, anyway, good job and hope you stick around making maps.


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The map is a pretty big waste of space, nothing else to say.


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Remvoe those trees, make more buildings, rooms or idk. The map is so empty bro.
I like it!

old Mad One

Mad One
User Off Offline

Hello everyone! I'm fast editor so if you have any suggestion, please write it, I will make it if possible!
Ok, I know there were comments about how "huge waste of space" it is, so I did it so that the area that was not playable is now playable.
I hope you enjoy! Also it was my first Demolition themed map that I created.
edited 4×, last 25.08.20 12:14:19 pm


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It's waste of space when the gameplay happens in less than 1/4th of the map
I like it!
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