[RZ] IMBEL M964 A1 w/ sound-RZ- User Offline 27.01.20 11:27:08 pm New Version, new sound. Inspired by @ PakkaOppai IA2 Rifle http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=17911 Replaces SG552. Drop and kill icons included. Ref Image edited 5×, last 29.01.20 08:26:49 am Approved by Sparty (28.01.20 04:28 am) Download 46 kb, 473 Downloads
Pagyra User Offline 10.02.20 12:18:49 am Hmm not bad but what prevented you from making the skin look like the original? Try HD skin size of 75 * 75 pixels (try all the skins except killicon and buymenu) Like at old CS:GO M4A4 (Asiimov and Bullet Rain) HD Skins (19) I like it!edited 1×, last 10.02.20 12:30:50 am
Top notch.CY Reviewer Offline 09.02.20 11:52:59 pm Glad to see CS2D skinning is still a thing, and there's still people doing really good stuff! I like it!