GS .32 Revolverxelrockerx User Offline 15.07.10 07:53:04 pm The GS32N Revolver is a gun used in the military No resized image open to any improvements that you suggest Approved by GeoB99 (09.06.17 03:56 pm) Download 1,005 b, 382 Downloads
xelrockerx User Offline 16.07.10 07:41:53 pm I'll start on the AWP around 4:00 *Update*: The AWP skin is finished! It's called GSE Sniper Rifle edited 1×, last 16.07.10 11:24:06 pm
AzimuthShift User Offline 16.07.10 01:29:41 pm THAT IS COOL. You improved! Nice. Clean itself, but since the shading is a bit fine for me, 4 is good enough. I like it!
awcmon User Offline 16.07.10 12:58:44 am Maybe a AWP replacement would be nice. Especially if it turns out like that. I like it!
xelrockerx User Offline 16.07.10 12:12:22 am yea, the drop image may look a little wierd considering i used a black background.
Time User Offline 15.07.10 07:56:37 pm Now that's what I'm talking about! Although the drop image looks somewhat fishy... I like it!