Hi, this is the revision for

It is completely remade from scratch using a different core script, thus I didn't update the previous file in case people still want to use it.
This script had almost reached 32 players at one point a few years back, but then it started getting DDoS attacks to the point all the players left it and the community died.
Thanks whoever was responsible for that, you ruined a great server.
But I digress, let's continue!
EXP and leveling systems for achieving objectives.
17 different add-ons and the ability to add as many more as you'd like.

Feel free to remove any credits or links in this file.
For all I care you claim it as yours.
You're also free to improve on it and upload/use it wherever you want.
But don't do anything bad with it, such as selling it for real money!
This script is completely clean and fully under your control!
Note that if you find any bugs avoid sending them to me because I have other more important projects to work on.

Because the archive is like 20MBs.
edited 9×, last 03.06.24 10:21:20 pm
Approved by Sparty
58 kb, 616 Downloads