vegetationG3tWr3ck3d User Offline 19.02.19 09:04:32 pm Lots of leafs created by me edited 3×, last 21.02.19 12:39:04 am Approved by Sparty (03.03.19 12:39 am) Download 402 kb, 569 Downloads
XoOt Super User Offline 26.02.19 08:16:24 am i kinda remind these sprites from somewhere... i doubt you're the creator..
StirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 24.02.19 10:56:14 am I like how does plants fits the new cs2d mapstyle. Kerker's your posts making me feel kind of cringe. You joined 02.02.2016 He joined 14.05.2010 Six years before you, what point of calling him noob? I like it!
ForeverNames User Offline 24.02.19 04:55:25 am No Vegetarian type? We'll it was fine anyway. L i k e d I like it!
DC Admin Offline 20.02.19 07:36:03 pm Did you draw them yourself? Or what's the origin? Are you allowed to redistribute them?