I assume you have played in one of the most famous jail servers - Fws Jail. That server has an awesome script that allows putting handcuffs on enemies; Also there was HandCuff/Chain System. (9). As requested by my friend, I wrote my own version and decided to put it here.
Free handcuffs for Counter-Terrorists on spawn (configurable)
Breaking free of handcuffs
1. Download the file
2. Extract the files into CS2D directory.
3. Change settings if needed.
4. Start your server and enjoy applying handcuffs to your friends and foes.
See it in action!
Known Issues
None at the moment.
This content is published under WTFPL 3.0.
edited 16×, last 17.08.18 07:12:07 pm
Approved by GeoB99
3 kb, 708 Downloads