
1.1 Open sys/lua/2gen weapons/storage.lua with Notepad++ or just Notepad
1.2 Scroll a little down and find a table weapons_data
1.3 Look at the example weapons and add something new at the end of table (I mean copy-paste a table of the first ([1]= {...}, )weapon inside weapons_data table), id (table key (number in [ ] )) should be the next in numerical order
2.1 Press "X" key
2.2 Choose weapon (X buy menu works like a classic B menu)
3. HOW TO SHOOT (not a joke, this script uses hotkeys (key binds) and it is not recommended to change the default controls)
3.1 Press "LMB" key a.k.a. Left Mouse Button
4.1 Press "R" key
5.1 Press "MMB" key a.k.a. Middle Mouse Button, actually this is mouse wheel, I don't know why it was so hard to understand for some people when we played on beta test server
6.1 Press "H" key to change the color of your laser sight
7.1 Press "G"
1.1 Open sys/lua/2gen weapons/storage.lua with Notepad++ or just Notepad
1.2 Scroll a little down and find a table weapons_data
1.3 Look at the example weapons and add something new at the end of table (I mean copy-paste a table of the first ([1]= {...}, )weapon inside weapons_data table), id (table key (number in [ ] )) should be the next in numerical order
2.1 Press "X" key
2.2 Choose weapon (X buy menu works like a classic B menu)
3. HOW TO SHOOT (not a joke, this script uses hotkeys (key binds) and it is not recommended to change the default controls)
3.1 Press "LMB" key a.k.a. Left Mouse Button
4.1 Press "R" key
5.1 Press "MMB" key a.k.a. Middle Mouse Button, actually this is mouse wheel, I don't know why it was so hard to understand for some people when we played on beta test server
6.1 Press "H" key to change the color of your laser sight
7.1 Press "G"

1. Don't change the default CS2D key controls
2. Don't change mp_hudscale (must be 0)
3*. Enable mp_luamap in server settings


*All configs placed to the storage.lua
1. Configurable values
2. Weapon creating
3. Console commands
4. Map editor
5. Using in Lua scripts
1. Configurable values

recoil - true or false | enable or disable recoil for all custom weapons, hax
blood_effects_value - number | amount of blood partics while bullet hit npc/player
sparkles_effect_value - number | amount of sparkles while shooting in the walls
smoke_effects - true or false | enable or disable smoke effect while shooting
gunfire_sprite_effect - true or false | enable or disable a gunfire effect while shooting, represents in sprite sheet
laser_sights - 2 or 1 or 0 | enable for all weapons or enable only for custom weapons or disable laser sights
custom_buy_menu - true or false | enable or disable custom buy menu for custom weapons, works like a default B buymenu
info_messages - true or false | enable or disable info messages for each player at spawn
ammo_hudtxt_position - 2 or 1 | classic position for ammo hud or position at center of the screen next to the player
ammo_hudtxt_color - RGB code | color of ammo hud
explode_breakables - true or false | enable or disable spawning explosions while shooting with custom weapons in the Env_Breakable, as the only way to inflict damage to it
buy_menu_always - true or false | enable or disable custom buy menu anywhere regardless of buytime, zone etc, hax
--v1.1 update
npc_hitbox - number | distance in pixels between bullet and NPCs to deal damage
player_hitbox - number | same, for players
--v1.2 update
laser_hotkey - key | hot key for laser sight
laser_color_hotkey - same, for laser color
buy_menu_hotkey - same, for custom buy menu
--v1.3 update
bullet_line_sprite_effect - true or false | enable or disable sprites of bullets lines while shooting
blood_effects_value - number | amount of blood partics while bullet hit npc/player
sparkles_effect_value - number | amount of sparkles while shooting in the walls
smoke_effects - true or false | enable or disable smoke effect while shooting
gunfire_sprite_effect - true or false | enable or disable a gunfire effect while shooting, represents in sprite sheet
laser_sights - 2 or 1 or 0 | enable for all weapons or enable only for custom weapons or disable laser sights
custom_buy_menu - true or false | enable or disable custom buy menu for custom weapons, works like a default B buymenu
info_messages - true or false | enable or disable info messages for each player at spawn
ammo_hudtxt_position - 2 or 1 | classic position for ammo hud or position at center of the screen next to the player
ammo_hudtxt_color - RGB code | color of ammo hud
explode_breakables - true or false | enable or disable spawning explosions while shooting with custom weapons in the Env_Breakable, as the only way to inflict damage to it
buy_menu_always - true or false | enable or disable custom buy menu anywhere regardless of buytime, zone etc, hax
--v1.1 update
npc_hitbox - number | distance in pixels between bullet and NPCs to deal damage
player_hitbox - number | same, for players
--v1.2 update
laser_hotkey - key | hot key for laser sight
laser_color_hotkey - same, for laser color
buy_menu_hotkey - same, for custom buy menu
--v1.3 update
bullet_line_sprite_effect - true or false | enable or disable sprites of bullets lines while shooting
2. Weapon creating

*All weapons are stored in storage.lua, in numbered tables in main weapon_data table
| [1] | - id of weapon (table key)
| name = "AK-12" | - name of your weapon, for killing massages and dropped weapon
| path_e | - top-down image sprite for equipped weapon
| e_scale1 | and | e_scale2 | -scale modifier for equipped image, 1 - width and 2 - height
| path_d | - drop image (on the floor), side view
| d_scale1 | and | d_scale1 | - same, as e_scale but for dropped image
| sounds | - table with weapon sounds, 1 or more files
| type = "rifle" | - type of weapon, affects on the equipment slot (2 slot for "pistol" and 1 for another ones), movement speed and reloading speed, actually a base of default weapon
*possible types: rifle, pistol, smg, machine gun, sniper 1x scope, sniper 2x scope, shotgun
**actually rifle is 30 real id (ak47), pistol is 4, smg 21, machine gun 40, sniper 1x scope 33, sniper 2x scope 35. This DOES NOT mean that you can not use these default cs2d weapons, it is just a basis taken for convenience and imitation of classic reloading.
| ammo_mag | - amount of ammo in magazine
| ammo_bag | - amount of additional carried ammo
| fire_rate_timer | - delay between shots in milliseconds (lower value = higher rate of fire)
| damage | - weapon raw damage, final damage depends on damagefactor, zombiedmg, kevlar, armor
| recoil_force | - range of bullets dispersion in degrees
| silence = false | - "true" will disable gunfire and bullet lines effects for this weapon (invisible shooting)
| cost = 9999 | - price of weapon in custom buymenu, set to "-1" to disable buying
| scope1x_damage_multiplier | - damage bonus while shooting through scope 1- default value, 1.5- +50%, 0.5 - -50%, necessary only for weapons "sniper 1x scope" and "sniper 2x scope"
| scope1x_damage_multiplier | - damage bonus while shooting through scope 2 (smallest scope), necessary only for "sniper 2x scope"
--v1.1 update
| range | - fire range (bullets flying range) in pixels
| hitbox_modifier | - optional value, the number in pixels to which the hitbox will increased (hight values can make the weapon shoot through walls)
| [1] | - id of weapon (table key)
| name = "AK-12" | - name of your weapon, for killing massages and dropped weapon
| path_e | - top-down image sprite for equipped weapon
| e_scale1 | and | e_scale2 | -scale modifier for equipped image, 1 - width and 2 - height
| path_d | - drop image (on the floor), side view
| d_scale1 | and | d_scale1 | - same, as e_scale but for dropped image
| sounds | - table with weapon sounds, 1 or more files
| type = "rifle" | - type of weapon, affects on the equipment slot (2 slot for "pistol" and 1 for another ones), movement speed and reloading speed, actually a base of default weapon
*possible types: rifle, pistol, smg, machine gun, sniper 1x scope, sniper 2x scope, shotgun
**actually rifle is 30 real id (ak47), pistol is 4, smg 21, machine gun 40, sniper 1x scope 33, sniper 2x scope 35. This DOES NOT mean that you can not use these default cs2d weapons, it is just a basis taken for convenience and imitation of classic reloading.
| ammo_mag | - amount of ammo in magazine
| ammo_bag | - amount of additional carried ammo
| fire_rate_timer | - delay between shots in milliseconds (lower value = higher rate of fire)
| damage | - weapon raw damage, final damage depends on damagefactor, zombiedmg, kevlar, armor
| recoil_force | - range of bullets dispersion in degrees
| silence = false | - "true" will disable gunfire and bullet lines effects for this weapon (invisible shooting)
| cost = 9999 | - price of weapon in custom buymenu, set to "-1" to disable buying
| scope1x_damage_multiplier | - damage bonus while shooting through scope 1- default value, 1.5- +50%, 0.5 - -50%, necessary only for weapons "sniper 1x scope" and "sniper 2x scope"
| scope1x_damage_multiplier | - damage bonus while shooting through scope 2 (smallest scope), necessary only for "sniper 2x scope"
--v1.1 update
| range | - fire range (bullets flying range) in pixels
| hitbox_modifier | - optional value, the number in pixels to which the hitbox will increased (hight values can make the weapon shoot through walls)
3. Console commands

3.1 New console commands:
wequip id weaponid | wequip 1 2 | equip custom weapon with id 2 (Colt Python) for player with id 1
wstrip id weaponid | strip weapon
wspawn weaponid tilex tilley | wspawn 1 5 6 | spawn a custom weapon with id 1 (ak12) at map position in tiles x 5 and y 6
3.2 Default console commands, which will affect on custom weapon
wequip id weaponid | wequip 1 2 | equip custom weapon with id 2 (Colt Python) for player with id 1
wstrip id weaponid | strip weapon
wspawn weaponid tilex tilley | wspawn 1 5 6 | spawn a custom weapon with id 1 (ak12) at map position in tiles x 5 and y 6
3.2 Default console commands, which will affect on custom weapon
4. Map editor

4.1 Placing a custom weapon on your map
Place "Env_Item" entity and set name and trigger strings:
name: swpn
trigger: 1
spawn: 1 (spawn one weapon) or 2 (infinite spawn) or 3 (every X sec)
*put any number in trigger, this is id of custom weapon, 1 will spawn ak12
4.2 Placing a button with shop
Place "Trigger_Use" and set trigger string:
trigger: wshop
*you can enable or disable this shop by enabling/disabling this button
4.3 Placing a trigger which will spawn a weapon after any condition
Place "Trigger_If", set any name, set Condition string:
Condition: parse("wspawn 1 10 13")
*after trigger activation weapon with id 1 will be spawned at tiles position x 10 y 13
4.4 Disabling "X" buymenu for map
Place Info_NoBuying entity. This will disable the custom weapons shop, even if it was activated in the script config.
Place "Env_Item" entity and set name and trigger strings:
name: swpn
trigger: 1
spawn: 1 (spawn one weapon) or 2 (infinite spawn) or 3 (every X sec)
*put any number in trigger, this is id of custom weapon, 1 will spawn ak12
4.2 Placing a button with shop
Place "Trigger_Use" and set trigger string:
trigger: wshop
*you can enable or disable this shop by enabling/disabling this button
4.3 Placing a trigger which will spawn a weapon after any condition
Place "Trigger_If", set any name, set Condition string:
Condition: parse("wspawn 1 10 13")
*after trigger activation weapon with id 1 will be spawned at tiles position x 10 y 13
4.4 Disabling "X" buymenu for map
Place Info_NoBuying entity. This will disable the custom weapons shop, even if it was activated in the script config.
5. Using in Lua scripts

Call for this custom weapons functions in your script function
*id- player id, wid- weapon id, tx- tile x position, ty - tile y
*id- player id, wid- weapon id, tx- tile x position, ty - tile y


It has no relation to the Engin33r Custom Weapons script, and no any code was taken from it (actually too confusing for my scripting level, if I even wanted to edit it, I would not be able to do it).
Two functions were taken from my favorite NPC Mod by Starkkz (freeline and related) and maybe a couple of strings from Tibia RPG Mod by weiwen (related with automatic menu creating)
What I will not do:
- Adding custom melee weapon(useless)
- Adding more of weapons of existing type (so don't tell me to add something like Barret M82 or AR-15 or even VSS Vintorez, you can do it yourself, this script was created for this purpose)
- Script was tested for 3 days.
- 30+ stable rounds in CTF mode, 8 players
- A lot of rounds in Zombie mode, 12 players + 8 bots
- Several days at 24/7 server with a lot of people
- Development time: 10 days
Two functions were taken from my favorite NPC Mod by Starkkz (freeline and related) and maybe a couple of strings from Tibia RPG Mod by weiwen (related with automatic menu creating)
What I will not do:
- Adding custom melee weapon(useless)
- Adding more of weapons of existing type (so don't tell me to add something like Barret M82 or AR-15 or even VSS Vintorez, you can do it yourself, this script was created for this purpose)
- Script was tested for 3 days.
- 30+ stable rounds in CTF mode, 8 players
- A lot of rounds in Zombie mode, 12 players + 8 bots
- Several days at 24/7 server with a lot of people
- Development time: 10 days


v 1.0
- Release
v 1.1
- Configurable hitbox value for NPCs
- Configurable hitbox value for Players
- "Hitbox modifier" stat for weapons, will further increase hitboxes when you shoot from a specific weapon
- Configurable "Range" stat for each weapons instead of one general value
v 1.2
- Configurable hot keys for custom buy menu, laser sight and laser color
- Method of loading config.lua from 'require' to 'dofile' to prevent a possible bug with file path on some systems
- Critical bug, when player was able to shoot with custom and default weapon in same time after picking up ammo with pressed attack button while reloading
- Bug in damage calculating for stealth suit armor
- Bug with stacking custom and default weapons in one slot when called for "equip" console command (now works only with number id values i.e. 'equip 1 2' but not with 'equip 1 glock')
- Error when pressed drop button for certain weapon slots
v 1.3
- New type of weapons: shotgun
- New weapon: Sawn-off TOZ-66
- Additional smoke effect when hitting the wall
- Calculation for recoil (now in degrees)
- Bullet lines! Now it do not freeze server clients.
- Shooting a 1 bullet while switching weapon using "1-5" buttons, when player have more than one weapon in 1-5 slot.
- aim_mode 1 (shooting mode, when the sight should be directly above the target)
- Release
v 1.1
- Configurable hitbox value for NPCs
- Configurable hitbox value for Players
- "Hitbox modifier" stat for weapons, will further increase hitboxes when you shoot from a specific weapon
- Configurable "Range" stat for each weapons instead of one general value
v 1.2
- Configurable hot keys for custom buy menu, laser sight and laser color
- Method of loading config.lua from 'require' to 'dofile' to prevent a possible bug with file path on some systems
- Critical bug, when player was able to shoot with custom and default weapon in same time after picking up ammo with pressed attack button while reloading
- Bug in damage calculating for stealth suit armor
- Bug with stacking custom and default weapons in one slot when called for "equip" console command (now works only with number id values i.e. 'equip 1 2' but not with 'equip 1 glock')
- Error when pressed drop button for certain weapon slots
v 1.3
- New type of weapons: shotgun
- New weapon: Sawn-off TOZ-66
- Additional smoke effect when hitting the wall
- Calculation for recoil (now in degrees)
- Bullet lines! Now it do not freeze server clients.
- Shooting a 1 bullet while switching weapon using "1-5" buttons, when player have more than one weapon in 1-5 slot.
- aim_mode 1 (shooting mode, when the sight should be directly above the target)


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File does not exist (15260)
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